The Manila Times

NKorea slams US’ decision to send tanks to Kyiv


North Korea condemned on Friday the decision of the United States to supply Ukraine with advanced battle tanks to help fight off Russia’s invasion, saying Washington was escalating a sinister “proxy war” aimed at destroying Moscow.

The comments by Kim Yo Jong, the influentia­l younger sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, underscore­d the country’s deepening alignment with Russia over the war in Ukraine as it confronts the US and its Asian allies over its own growing nuclear weapons and missiles program.

North Korea has blamed the US for the crisis in Ukraine, insisting that the West’s “hegemonic policy” forced Russia to take military action to protect its security interests.

It has also used the distractio­n created by the war to accelerate its own weapons developmen­t, test-firing more than 70 missiles in 2022 alone, including potentiall­y nuclear-capable weapons believed able to target South Korea and the US mainland.

Washington has accused North Korea of sending large supplies of artillery shells and other ammunition to Russia to support its offensive in Ukraine, although the North has repeatedly denied the claim.

Yo Jong’s comments, carried by the official Korean Central News Agency, came after US President Joe Biden said on Wednesday that Washington would send 31 M1 Abrams tanks to Ukraine, reversing months of arguments that they were too difficult for Ukrainian troops to operate and maintain. The US’ decision followed Germany’s agreement to send 14 Leopard 2 A6 tanks from its own stocks.

Yo Jong said the Biden administra­tion was “further crossing the red line” by sending its main tanks to Ukraine and that the decision reflected a “sinister intention to realize its hegemonic aim by further expanding the proxy war for destroying Russia.”

“The US is the archcrimin­al [that] poses [a] serious threat and challenge to the strategic security of Russia and pushes the regional situation to the present grave phase,” she said.

“I do not doubt that any military hardware the US and the West boast of will be burnt into pieces in the face of the indomitabl­e fighting spirit and might of the heroic Russian army and people,” she said, adding that the North would always “stand in the same trench” with Russia.

North Korea is the only nation other than Russia and Syria to recognize the independen­ce of Donetsk and Luhansk, two Russian-backed separatist regions in eastern Ukraine, and has also hinted at plans to send workers there to help with rebuilding efforts.

Kim Yo Jong at a wreathlayi­ng ceremony at the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum in Vietnam’s capital Hanoi on March 2, 2019.
AP FILE PHOTO CRITICAL COMMENTS Kim Yo Jong at a wreathlayi­ng ceremony at the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum in Vietnam’s capital Hanoi on March 2, 2019.

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