The Manila Times

Israeli warplanes strike Gaza following rocket fire


Israeli warplanes struck Gaza early on Thursday, drawing retaliator­y rocket fire from Palestinia­n militants, as violence flared despite the United States calls for “urgent steps” to restore calm.

Israel said the predawn strikes were in response to an earlier rocket launch and targeted military training camps used by Gaza’s Islamist rulers Hamas.

A statement from the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) said fighter jets had “struck a production site for raw chemical material production, preservati­on and storage along with a weapon manufactur­ing site” belonging to Hamas.

The strikes came “in response to the rocket launch from the Gaza Strip into Israel earlier” on Wednesday.

“[Hamas] will face the consequenc­es of the security violations against Israel,” the army said on Twitter.

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant vowed that the Jewish state stood ready to respond to any attack.

“Every attempt to harm our citizens will be met with the full force of the IDF,” he said.

Hamas spokesman Hazem Qassem called the Israeli strikes “a continuati­on of the cycle of aggression against the Palestinia­n people.”

He accused Israel of “opening the door to escalation on the ground.”

During talks with Israeli and Palestinia­n leaders earlier this week, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken urged both sides to prevent further bloodshed.

He expressed sorrow for “innocent” Palestinia­ns killed in months of escalating violence in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, warning that the Palestinia­n people faced “a shrinking horizon of hope.”

The US top diplomat’s visit came after a deadly upsurge in violence in the West Bank last week.

A Palestinia­n shot dead seven people outside a synagogue in an Israeli settler neighborho­od of annexed east Jerusalem last Friday, a day after the deadliest army raid in years in the West Bank killed 10 Palestinia­ns.

The synagogue attack on the Jewish Sabbath was the deadliest targeting Israeli civilians in more than a decade and was celebrated by many Palestinia­ns in Gaza and across the West Bank.

Israel said its deadly raid on the Jenin refugee camp targeted Islamic Jihad militants. An 11th Palestinia­n was killed elsewhere in the West Bank that day.

This year the conflict has killed 35 Palestinia­ns — including attackers, militants and civilians — as well as the six Israeli civilians, including a child, and one Ukrainian, killed last Friday.

Last year was the deadliest year in the West Bank since the United Nations started tracking fatalities in the territory in 2005.

Some 235 people died in the Israeli-Palestinia­n conflict last year, with nearly 90 percent of the deaths on the Palestinia­n side, according to Agence France-Presse (AFP) figures.

Jihad Abu al-Assal, the Palestinia­n governor of Jericho, on Wednesday, accused Israel of putting the town under “siege” after a Saturday shooting at a restaurant, which had no casualties.

Jericho’s ancient ruins have been a major tourism draw in the past.

“This is the fifth day of the siege on Jericho,” the governor told AFP.

Israel’s army told AFP it had boosted its forces in the area and “inspection­s were increased at the city’s entrances and exits.”

An AFP correspond­ent said cars were backed up at entrances to the city, with checks to get in and out of the city often taking hours.

Islamic Jihad said it would send a delegation led by the militant group’s leader Ziad al-Nakhala to Cairo on Thursday at Egypt’s invitation.

The delegation would meet with the head of Egypt’s intelligen­ce service to discuss “how to restore calm, especially after the last escalation, including the aggression­s against prisoners,” said Daoud Shihab, a senior Islamic Jihad member in Gaza.

 ?? AFP PHOTO ?? Smoke rises above buildings in Gaza City as Israel launched air strikes on the Palestinia­n enclave early on Thursday, Feb. 2, 2023. RUDE AWAKENING
AFP PHOTO Smoke rises above buildings in Gaza City as Israel launched air strikes on the Palestinia­n enclave early on Thursday, Feb. 2, 2023. RUDE AWAKENING

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