The Manila Times

Pope washes feet of 12 women prisoners


VATICAN CITY: Pope Francis, who often pleads for compassion to prisoners, washed the feet of 12 incarcerat­ed women in Rome on Thursday in a rite marking Holy Thursday before Easter.

The Argentinia­n Jesuit visited the Rebibbia women’s prison in the northeaste­rn outskirts of the Italian capital, where he performed the same rite in 2015.

Thursday, however, was the first time the 87-yearold pontiff had dedicated his annual ritual during Holy Week solely to women.

Seated in a wheelchair, the pope washed the feet of each of the prisoners, some of them in tears, before drying them off with a towel and kissing them.

“We all have small failures, big failures,” said the pope in an impromptu homily during a mass held in the courtyard of the prison that holds some 370 women.

“But the Lord is always waiting for us, with open arms, and he never tires of forgiving,” he added.

The washing of feet is “a gesture that draws our attention to the vocation of service,” said Francis, who as a priest in Buenos Aires had already begun visiting prisoners.

A few minutes earlier, the pontiff was all smiles as he shook hands with the inmates.

Last month, the pope caught a flu that caused him to cancel some public meetings. During his subsequent recovery, he has on several occasions asked others to read his speeches.

In the Christian tradition, Holy Thursday commemorat­es the day when Christ washed the feet of the apostles at the Last Supper.

It is a highlight of Holy Week, which commemorat­es Christ’s final days before his resurrecti­on on Easter.

Since becoming pope in 2013, the head of the Catholic Church has often visited prisons and refugee centers, including last year on Holy Thursday when he visited a juvenile detention center and washed the feet of 12 young men.

On Good Friday, he is due to preside over the “Way of the Cross” prayer service at Rome’s Coliseum, which he was unable to attend last year as he recovered from a bronchial infection.

This photo taken on Holy Thursday, March 28, 2024, by The Vatican Media shows Pope Francis kissing the foot of an inmate at the ‘Washing of the Feet’ during a private visit at the Rebibbia prison for women in Rome as part of the Holy Week rituals.
VATICAN MEDIA/AFP NO GENDER This photo taken on Holy Thursday, March 28, 2024, by The Vatican Media shows Pope Francis kissing the foot of an inmate at the ‘Washing of the Feet’ during a private visit at the Rebibbia prison for women in Rome as part of the Holy Week rituals.

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