The Manila Times

Strange BUT TRUE

- By Lucie Winborne

• Football player Ronaldinho Gaucho lost a $750,000 deal with Coca-Cola simply by taking a sip from a Pepsi.

• Some farmers started feeding their pigs waste products from the marijuana industry, such as plant stems, leaves and roots, saying it boosted the animals’ appetites so they would bulk up to 30 pounds heavier than normal, also that it had the effect of making the meat taste “more savory.”

• The fastest any human has ever traveled was during the re-entry of the Apollo 10 module, at a maximum speed of 24,830 miles per hour, or 7 miles per second.

• If you can convince yourself that you slept well last night, even though you didn’t, your brain will be tricked into thinking you aren’t tired. It’s called “placebo sleep.”

• When an astronaut working on the Internatio­nal Space Station needed a tool he didn’t have, NASA came to the rescue by designing one with computer software and emailing the file to him. He then used a 3D printer to create the first object ever designed on Earth but made in space.

• Studies show that the human brain remains half-awake when sleeping in a new environmen­t for the first time.

• Just before WWII, the U.S. created the Logan Bar, a chocolate bar that deliberate­ly tasted “a little better than a boiled potato,” as an emergency ration to prevent soldiers from snacking on it outside of emergency situations.

• Too much grape soda will make your poop turn blue.

• A shopping mall in China offers “husband storage” pods, where wives and girlfriend­s can leave their partners while they shop. Each pod is equipped with a TV, a gaming console and a leather massage chair.


Thought for the Day: “A comfort zone is a beautiful place — but nothing ever grows there.” — Anonymous

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