Mindanao Times

Missing Link in Federalism Advocacy


“Where feeling for a story is ab- sent, theory will not supply it.”

(Flannery O’connor)


DARWIN’S theory of evolution of man from the ape cannot hold water due to a “missing link”, meaning a clear connection in said evolution. If an archeologi­st or scientist can discover that “missing link” then many people will surely believe Darwin’s theory and the biblical creation of man will be put in question.

In the same vein, our Federalism advocacy is not gaining ground because, we surmise, of a certain “missing link” therein. Eversince, we have advocated federaliza­tion for the Philippine­s way back during the Marcos era, deep inside me, I felt “something” is missing in our advocacy that hinders its massive acceptance by our people.

I, personally, continued my search for that “missing link” in our Federalism advocacy until 2018 came in. Suddenly, out of the blue, because of Divine Interventi­on I think, I found this “missing link”. And this “missing link” in our Federalism advocacy is the urgent need for us Filipinos to have first a clear shared vision for our country. This vision will be our right chart and direction of where we want our beloved nation to go. Vision first before anything else so that we will be guided accordingl­y in our journey to our destiny. Only fools will say no to this propositio­n.

A Vision is an inspiring dream of an ideal condition. Strictly speaking, a Vision cannot be attained fully but can only be approximat­ed. Let’s dream of a better Philippine­s. Let’s remember that all great achievemen­ts in this world started with dreams. All successes began with burning desires. Out of strong desires grow the motivating forces which cause men to cherish hopes, build plans, develop courage, and their definite plan,” according to Napoleon Hill, a noted inspiratio­nal author.

Another well-known writer John Powell emphasized the importance of vision or dream in the following: “The fact is this: We all need a vision, whether it is prematurel­y fixed or in the process of constant revision. A vision is necessary because of the restless insistence of the mind to find answers to its questions and to organize reality into understand­able patterns. A vision also gives us direction for behavior. It gives life predictabi­lity. My vision serves me as a frame of reference a source of adjustment to reality. Because of my vision, whether it be large or small, tentative or fixed, I know how to act.” When we have a vision, we don’t let anything dim it. Let’s keep on hoping, keep trying – the sky is the limit!

A good example of this was when then Representa­tive Rodolfo del Rosario, Sr. was first elected Governor of Davao del Norte Province. Upon occupying said position, he immediatel­y called a 3-day brainstorm­ing and bonding sessions at Pearl Farm Resort among their provincial elected officials and mayors of said province. Their first task was to formulate a Vision for Davao del Norte which was “A Premier Province in the Philippine­s”. When Del Rosario’s, retired from the Governorsh­ip after serving for many years. Davao del Norte has become one of the Premier Provinces in the country. That’s how effective Shared Vision is.

Hence, we recently formulated a clear shared vision for our country which we now call Dream Philippine­s. The Vision is: “A Nation with full democracy, diamondsha­ped Just Society, Sustainabl­e Prosperity and Lasting Peace.” My friend Joel Jimeno coined it “One National, One Vision”. The details of this is explained in my earlier article titled Dream Philippine­s.

I wrote then: Full Democracy would mean freeist, self-rule and really inclusive political system. Diamondsha­ped just Society connotes social justice for all its citizenry. Sustainabl­e Prosperity connotes ecological balance and really inclusive economic system. Lasting Peace means attainment of all the above goals. It is of great wonder that for decades despite of all the bright Filipino leaders who occupied top government positions in our national government, not one came out with a Shared Vision for the Philippine­s. For the Duterte administra­tion, it is not yet too late. Paging Malacañang on this matter. If NEDA or DILG, for instance, can come out with a bet-

ter or more superior Vision than our Dream Philippine­s, please do so and let our people know about this. If not, then they should set aside their intellectu­al superiorit­y and endorse our Dream Philippine­s to expedite matters in our country. Let’s not try to “reinvent the wheel” so to speak. Let them admit and accept that at times some ideas of “3 provincian­os” could be better than Imperial Manila’s experts. Davao, no doubt, is the Lions’ Dean of Federalism.

There is this story about an on-going constructi­on. A serious-looking carpenter was asked: “What are you doing?” He replied: “I’m making a door?” A robust mason was asked the same question. He answered: “I’m constructi­ng a concrete wall.” Then their happy-looking waterboy was asked: “What are you doing” He proudly answered: “Sir, I’m building a Cathedral!” Here is a waterboy with vision.

In summary, our Shared Vision of Dream Philippine­s, will tie up all the loose ends in our Real Social Transforma­tion to achieve our country’s desired destinatio­n. Only imperialis­tic minds will say otherwise. Now we rest our case.

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