Mindanao Times

Rotten tomatoes


CITY POLICE director Alexander Tagum has promised to resign from his position if he fails to implement Mayor Inday Sara’s directive to traffic enforcers to strictly enforce the unsafe riding policy as well as driving under the influence of liquor and other traffic violations involving motorcycle­s.

We used to hear people made promises to resign or commit suicide to prove that they are committed to do the job assigned them. Tagum may lose his post (if he is really true to his offer to resign) because he can’t control some PNP personnel deputized by the Land Transporta­tion Office (LTO) as part of the intensifie­d campaign against drunk driving and other violations.

It is impossible for him to monitor all members of his office at the same time. He is not Robocop, a comic hero that enforces laws against violators.

Maybe he should listen to Benito de Leon, chief of the Public Safety and Security (PSS), who explained about a kotong (mulcting) cop and learn from the explanatio­n of the latter.

De Leon acknowledg­ed, but never made a promise, that the temptation (for a kotong cop) is there for any officer, especially with the prospect of easy money. De Leon believes there is always a rotten one in a basketful of ripe tomatoes.

My suggestion to Sr. Supt. Tagum is for him to follow the order of Mayor Inday Sara to the best of his ability. Never offer to resign if he fails. For sure the good mayor will understand him. That nothing is perfect in this world because even God failed when He thought that Adam will not eat the forbidden apple that Satan offered him.

That is why we heard many broken marriages because of Adam’s sin.

I remember when Jin Lorenz started his nursery class. He was only 3 years old then. He was awarded as an “achiever” of his school because at that early age his teachers saw in him the interest to learn and excel.

I told the teachers that I have no big plan for my son. For him to acquire education is what I dream for him as what I have done to my other children. Jin Lorenz is graduating from senior high school at the Ateneo next month with academic honor. I tried my best and it shows I am not a failure to him.

Sr. Supt. Tagum will not fail in his job because I believe he can do it.

Finally, since traffic law enforcers seem in an all-out war against erring motorcycle riders, they may start the drive in Mamay road where many of these riders are defying the laws.


In an open letter to Pope Francis, 12-year-old animal rights and climate campaigner Genesis Butler from California, made an offer of $1million to the pontiff’s charity to refuse eat vegan during Lenten season.

Portion of the letter as reported by Agence France-Presse, says:

“Your Holiness, we must act. Moving towards a plant-based diet will protect our land, trees, oceans and air and help feed the world most vulnerable.

“Today, Pope Francis, I am asking you to join me from abstaining from all animal products throughout Lent,” the 40 days of penance and fasting before Easter Sunday observed by Catholics, Angelicans and Orthodox Christians….”

Butler’s offer of $1 million was supported by former Beatle Paul McCartney, Hollywood legend Brigitte Bardot and dozens of minor celebritie­s.

The Million Dollar Vegan campaign, according to report, is being led by the US-based Blue Horizon Internatio­nal Foundation which pledged to put up the 878,000 euros if the pontiff says yes.

This is a very heartwarmi­ng gesture coming from a minor. But what I can’t understand is why she or the foundation has to “bribe” the Holiness to eat vegetable and abstain from eating animal meat to be entitled to the amount when she can give this offer without any string attached?

I suspect politician­s are again behind this. Enjoy Valentine’s Day celebratio­n even without partners, readers!

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