Mindanao Times

Applying for US visa?


I DROPPED by the historic Manila Bay at Roxas Boulevard across the hotel where I was billeted early morning before my final day in the city to personally observe the ongoing rehabilita­tion and cleaning of the area.

The 1.5 kilometer shoreline between the American Embassy and the Manila Yacht Club and 100-meter distance from the breakwater of Manila Bay is almost clean of debris that past leaders ignored. President Duterte will leave another legacy for Filipinos to remember as he showed his political will to instill discipline people and correct the mistakes of the past.

The government fenced the rehabilita­tion site with iron sheets and prohibits swimming because of reported high level fecal bacteria E Coli which is dangerous as giant backhoes of the DPWH continued dredging the dirt buried below for decades. Although the usual offensive smell was still present but was manageable unlike before.

Shame on the past leaders as some of them are trying to hold on to power! Ang kakapal ninyo.

-o0oNow I can sleep like a baby after that 72 days and sleepless nights as I reminisce the unforgetta­ble experience of following up my applicatio­n for immigrant visa to the US filed by my daughter who petitioned me last November yet.

Although I had shared with my readers my recent frequent trips to Manila for my interview and medical checkup at St. Luke’s as one of the prerequisi­tes of the US Embassy to people wanting to go abroad, I think like in a novela, it also has its ending.

Okay, to make the story short, my applicatio­n for immigrant visa has been approved after St. Luke’s Medical Center issued certificat­ion that I am qualified and fit to travel. The embassy will mail to me in a week or two my passport and other documents needed to my trip abroad.

I have to leave before May 7 otherwise, my newly acquired immigrant status will be forfeited – residency, green card, and some privileges US citizens are enjoying, and I have to re-apply again.

I can meet the deadline, and my daughter Tala and boyfriend Nathan are likewise ready to meet me at the Chicago airport with a wheelchair and thick attires for me to wear because of the icy weather. And the wheelchair, Tala said I might need it because of the wide space of the arrival area while proceeding to the parking lots.

The attire, okay lang. But sitting on a wheelchair, no need, I don’t want to look like a PWD (Person with Disability) to the American eyes. Hehe!

I can’t predict how long my stay there although Tala wanted me forever!

It depends. If my request to Nathan if he can bring me to fishing, hunting, and horseback riding, which are my love here, maybe, yes, forever! Nathan also loves outdoor activities.

Jin Lorenz will stay behind to look after our new house, car, aquarium with sharks which I nurtured and as old as himself, and Coco, my igh-month old Shih Tzu who for sure I will miss a lot.

My youngest son will now enroll in college in Ateneo to take up Internatio­nal Studies major in American studies, a course the school said aligned to his academic proficienc­y.

God is really good to me because I always succeed in my effort to to give good education to my children despite my humble beginning. Lord, ready na ako sayo!

Some acquaintan­ces upon knowing the good news confessed to me they tried applying for US visa thrice, but failed. They asked me how I did it in record time.

Siguro, I was able to convince the American interviewe­rs that I was quick and honest in all the questions they asked of me. And my being a lover of beauty might also be a factor.

After the last female embassy official finished questionin­g me, I jokingly told her: “Miss, you’re a look-alike of Miss Universe Catriona Gray.”

She just smiled, then congratula­ted me by saying all my papers were in order and she will recommend for the approval of my applicatio­n.

To would-be applicants to the Big Apple, I hope my experience may give them idea how to succeed also. Call me 0915698742­1 for more.

To my candidates in the May 13 elections-national and local positions- sorry na lang, you will surely miss my lone vote. Try ko pa rin ang online voting kung pupuede!

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