Mindanao Times

Democrats’ goal in Trump probe: proving obstructio­n, collusion


US DEMOCRATS’ sweeping demands Monday for documents from 81 individual­s, companies and organizati­ons linked to President Donald Trump show they are pursuing several possibly impeachabl­e offenses.

The massive document requests, the result of the Democrats gaining power in the House of Representa­tives in January, focus on four areas:

- Obstructio­n Democrats want to know whether Trump sought to illegally obstruct the Justice Department’s investigat­ion into possible collusion with Russia.

Their requests hone in on a number of actions by the president that might support this conclusion: the dismissal of Trump’s national security aide Michael Flynn, the firing of FBI director James Comey, and Trump’s alleged pressure on attorney general Jeff Sessions and several senior Justice Department and FBI officials seen as not loyal or hostile.

They are also pinpointin­g alleged attempts to cover up a June 2016 campaign meeting in Trump Tower with a Russian lawyer, and to hide former negotiatio­ns for a Trump real estate project in Moscow during the 2016 campaign.

And they are pursuing documents and informatio­n that might show whether Trump illegally dangled pardons to former aides to discourage them from implicatin­g him in any crimes. - Collusion The second focus of the requests is possible collusion with Russia, and a concern that Moscow might have leverage over the US leader.

Democrats want documents on whether Russians lent to or invested money in Trump companies, and whether the Trump Organizati­on helped Russian real estate customers launder money.

They also want to know about any discussion­s that a dozen Trump aides or associates may have had with Russians on the Trump administra­tion lifting US sanctions on Moscow.

The requests also target the Republican decision in July 2016 to moderate the official party stance against Russian interferen­ce in Ukraine, and seek informatio­n on Trump campaign contacts with WikiLeaks and any sharing of data, like polling data, between the campaign and Russia.

Democrats are also demanding documents on the content of Trump’s three meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin, which the White House has refused to divulge.

- Hush payments Democrats want more informatio­n on what Trump’s former lawyer described as “catch and kill” operations to silence people or news stories that could damage Trump’s image. That includes Trump’s years of cooperatio­n with the National Tabloid Enquirer.

Trump’s ex-lawyer Michael Cohen has already implicated Trump in the illegal use of campaign funds to pay off one woman who had claimed an affair with the president.

- Profiting from office - Democrats want documents relating to the patronage of Trump businesses, like the Trump Internatio­nal Hotel in Washington, by US and foreign officials and dignitarie­s seeking to curry favor with the president.

If the Trump Organizati­on has knowingly profited handsomely by this business, it could violate the US constituti­on’s “emoluments” rules which seek to prevent a president from making a business out of his White House tenure.

They also appear to be examining whether the Trump campaign received illegal donations or benefits from Qatar, United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia. Agence France-Presse

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