Mindanao Times

Mattarella sets deadline to find new coalition


President Sergio Mattarella has set a Tuesday deadline for squabbling political parties to form a workable coalition government, two days after a dysfunctio­nal populist alliance broke up throwing the eurozone’s third largest economy into political turmoil.

Mattarella, 78, concluded two days of crisis talks with key political players on Thursday to see if a viable coalition could be formed following the disintegra­tion of the partnershi­p between the antiestabl­ishment Five Star Movement (M5S) and the far-right League.

“On Tuesday, I will hold further consultati­ons and make the necessary decisions,” Mattarella told reporters at the presidenti­al palace.

“The crisis must be resolved in a timely manner and with clear decisions,” he said.

After an intense 48 hours of political wrangling, Mattarella said a future coalition would need a specific program that could be passed in parliament.

If a coalition is not formed then Mattarella could consider a technical government or call an early election -- just 14 months after the last parliament­ary vote.

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