Mindanao Times

Do not risk being shut out


MEDITATION: What does the image of a door say to us about the kingdom of God? Jesus’ story about the door being shut to those who come too late suggests they had offended their host and deserved to be excluded. It was customary for teachers in Jesus’ time to close the door on tardy students and not allow them back for a whole week in order to teach them a lesson in discipline and faithfulne­ss. Who will be invited to enter God’s kingdom? Jesus told this story in response to the question of who will make it to heaven - to God’s kingdom of everlastin­g peace and eternal life. Many rabbis held that all Israel would be saved and gain entry into God’s kingdom, except for a few blatant sinners who excluded themselves! After all, they were specially chosen by God when he establishe­d a covenant relationsh­ip with them. Jesus surprised his listeners by saying that one’s membership as a people who have entered into a covenant relationsh­ip with God does not automatica­lly mean entry into the everlastin­g kingdom of God. Second, Jesus asserts that many from the Gentile (non-Jewish) nations would enter God’s kingdom. God’s invitation is open to Jew and Gentile alike. Jesus is the door to the kingdom of heaven But Jesus warns that we can be excluded if we do not strive to enter by the narrow door. What did Jesus mean by this expression? The door which Jesus had in mind was himself. I am the door; if any one enters by me, he will be saved. God sent his only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to open the way for us to have full access to the throne of God’s grace (favor and blessing) and mercy (pardon for our sins). Through Jesus’ victory on the cross he has freed us from slavery to sin and hurtful desires and addictions, and he has made us sons and daughters of God and citizens of his heavenly kingdom. We are free now to choose which kingdom we will serve - the kingdom of truth and light ruled by God’s wisdom or the kingdom of falsehood and darkness ruled by Satan and the world system or society of people who are opposed to God and his laws. Following the Lord requires effort and commitment on our part “Lord Jesus, may I never doubt your guiding presence and your tender love and mercy towards me. Through the gift of your Spirit fill me with perseverin­g faith and courage to trust you always in all things and in every circumstan­ce I find myself in. May your love set my heart aflame with love for You who are my All.”

(c) 2019 Servants of the Word, source: www. dailyscrip­ture.net, author Don Schwager)

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