Mindanao Times

Bastardizi­ng the work contractin­g ban


SHOULD we be surprised if President Rodrigo Duterte rants against big businesses that are holding monopolist­ic concession­s on important basic utility services like water distributi­on?

Of course no because we are very much aware that the President’s ranting would end up benefiting the consuming public.

But what would perhaps surprise many is if the President would be unable to get wind of the practices of corporatio­ns owning franchises in electricit­y distributi­on and telecommun­ications.

Yes, many of these companies especially the telcos, are actually giving government a run-around in the compliance of laws related to the regulation of their operation. And we do not know if it is only coincident­al that the leading telecommun­ications companies of the country are also run by the same businessme­n that own the firms being ranted upon by the President for getting alleged onerous contracts with the government.

These telcos, in the guise of ensuring the public of fast and efficient communicat­ions services, have adopted various operating innovation­s. In reality however, the changes in its systems in running their firms are geared more towards continuous­ly improving their bottom lines so that shareholde­rs will continue to hike up the earnings of their investment­s.

Among the innovation­s being done by these telecommun­ications companies is the down-sizing of its manpower, and multi-tasking those left in the roster of their employees. Another supposed strategy for an efficient operation used by the communicat­ions firms is the outsourcin­g of the manpower requiremen­ts for certain jobs that are seasonal or doable in a specific period of time.

But there is one work that is actually on a continuing basis but is now handled by service contractor­s. We are referring to the marketing of the telcos’ products and services.

We do not know how the human resource experts in these communicat­ions companies do it. But somehow, they are able to clear the bar provided in the various laws and Presidenti­al issuances intending to put a stop to job contractin­g.

And we know of one telco that has bastardize­d, perhaps knowingly or unknowingl­y, even more government regulation­s on outsourcin­g of manpower services. We accidental­ly discovered this very anomalous practice of the company last week-end.

This telco has a satellite office some 28 kilometers from downtown Davao, the purpose of which, we have no doubt, is to enhance its line capabiliti­es and reach to potential subscriber­s. The satellite office used to have technical as well as administra­tive staff to attend to existing subscriber­s and prospectiv­e applicants.

But as outsourcin­g and modern technology evolved over the years, the satellite office suddenly became an edifice that house equipment, line connection­s and a security guard. Its former admin office is closed and in its stead a small booth was set up outside.

In the early days of its inception the booth had at times one, on another time two persons manning. They claim to be marketing agents of the communicat­ions company. But we are dead sure they were recruited by a manpower services provider firm that is contracted by the telco management.

Last week-end however, we learned that this contractin­g scheme is taking a turn for the worst. Two women we talked to by chance told us that they were waiting for a tricycle ride going to that particular telco’s booth some 6 kilometers away from where we had the chance conversati­on.

We were quite elated at the thought that we have rural farm women finding a job as marketing agents for telecommun­ications services. But our elation was shortlived. It was turned into disgust after learning that they only receive an allowance of P50 for a whole day manning the telco’s booth. The only additional perk they could get is a P1000 commission for every new subscriber they can recruit – which hardly comes these days of mobile phones.

Our hunch is that the communicat­ions company

management has no hand in the “sub-contractin­g” being done by its contractor. And clearly, the P50 paid by the main contractor to those who are hired to man the booth could not make a dent in the original contract cost per day per person.

We believe however that the telco concerned is equally guilty by acquiescen­ce. Why, its management should have been wary of taking into its fold service providers who have nothing in their minds but the aggrandize­ment of their personal interest.

This telco should have set guidelines for its service providers as to the salaries, as well as other benefits for the latter’s personnel. It should have designed a system for effectivel­y monitoring the contractor’s compliance of the guidelines and provide for sanctions for not doing so.

The telco’s satellite office we mention to be located 28 kilometers away from downtown Davao City is actually in Calinan. The communicat­ion company… well, your guess could not possibly go wrong.

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