Mindanao Times

Wellness and Pleasure by Park Inn by RadissonDa­vao


JANUARY of the New Year 2020 had people de-stress from their hectic schedules of dining and socializin­g during the holiday season which went fast. It’s now the time for coming up with the New Year’s Resolution and naturally, with the novel coronaviru­s mounting global concern plus the countless calories consumed during the holidays, keeping fit is on top of the list. Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and having a healthy and slim physique to look good in red for yourself and your beloved is a good target as well.

Thus, Park Inn by Radisson-Davao held its “Feel Good Friday” at the Lanzones Room last January 31 treating its media friends, bloggers, and corporate clients to an evening of wellness activities.

Indeed wellness and pleasure went together in Park Inn by RadissonDa­vao’s program.

The Feel Good Friday program started with a lively “let it burn” zumba session followed by a cooling-down of a beginners’ yoga.

The guests, who were requested earlier to come in their most comfortabl­e exercise outfits, danced to the latin tune of the energetic

Zumba dance steps, relaxed and stretched their muscles in yoga; after which they were given a most relaxing dry massage by the welland trained therapists of Cherry Banquil Al-ag’s Elysia Wellness Spa. Elysia Wellness Spa has, indeed, made a name for itself and has given dear Cherry the title she truly deserves as Queen of Davao’s spas.

After the active exercise and cooling down, Park Inn by Radisson-Davao’s new Food & Beverage Manager Penn Juliano introduced RBG’s healthy dinner that is called the RBG Hearty Bowls. These are guilt-free bowls comprised of meat, grains and vegetables. You can choose from the various offerings of a Salmon Bowl, Beef Bowl, Chicken Bowl and Vegetable Bowl. For the accompanyi­ng drinks, you have your choice from the Healthy Sip Bar: Calming Quencher, Mint Detox Nature’s Elixir. RBG also offers other drinks like Power Cleanser, Tropical Booster and Tummy Rescue.

Yes, all these food and beverage offerings are in line with Park Inn by Radisson-Davao’s Healthy 2020 wellness campaign and Feel Good philosophy. The Feel Good Friday event was the hotel’s second wellness event.

Thank you, Thea Puyod Ledesma, for sharing the pictures used on this page.

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 ??  ?? ENERGETIC Zumba session
ENERGETIC Zumba session
 ??  ?? ELYSIA Wellness Spa’s dry massage service
ELYSIA Wellness Spa’s dry massage service
 ??  ?? RBG’s Hearty Bowls
RBG’s Hearty Bowls
 ??  ?? YOGA Instructor Joy Olimba, Mar.Comm. Manager Lish Babela, Mktg. Assist. Ella Ledesma, GM Em Rosales
YOGA Instructor Joy Olimba, Mar.Comm. Manager Lish Babela, Mktg. Assist. Ella Ledesma, GM Em Rosales
 ??  ?? COOLING off with beginner’s yoga
COOLING off with beginner’s yoga
 ??  ??

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