Mindanao Times

The brilliance of Estrella @ 88


SHE is one of the women blessed to have aged so gracefully, still a bit feisty and curious about the world outside her home at 88. Estrella, a Spanish name for “star,” shone bright last Jan. 31, when family and friends surrounded her with love on her special day at home.

Estrella Orocio Arguillas was born in the year 1932 in Dansalan, now Marawi City. Her father Diosdado Orocio was a public health nurse and her mother Sinforosa was a public schoolteac­her. She had such a keen intelligen­ce, graduating among the top of her class at the Davao City National High School. She passed the entrance exam at the University of the Philippine­s, Diliman, Quezon City, and is fondly remembered as the girl from Panabo who topped this exam among 2,000 applicants. However, her Pre-Medicine studies was cut short when she met and fell in love with Florio Arguillas, a dashing man from Surigao.

Her daughter Mary Ann, said that integrity and public service are values that her parents instilled when they were growing up. The Arguillas siblings are also very successful profession­als in their own field. The eldest daughter Marilyn is a highly respected medical practition­er at Davao Doctors Hospital; Mary Ann Chua, now based in Singapore was a Philippine diplomat; Mary Jean Caled, Phd, is a consultant at the Asian Developmen­t Bank; Mary Carolyn Arguillas is an acclaimed journalist; Florio Arguillas, Phd is a Research Associate at Cornell University in New York; Jesus, and; Jude who is also working at a hospital.

The day was so special as her children who are based in New York, Singapore and Manila came to spend time with her.

“I never expected that many of my friends would come,” Estrella, who was beautifull­y coiffed for the occasion, said.

This was possible after the celebratio­n was moved to lunch instead of the usual dinner to enable her friends, one of them who was 93 years old, to come and join the party. Her friends from Church serenaded her with her favorite songs bringing all the guests down memory lane.

After she availed of early retirement when she turned 62, she had her hands full in civic and religious activities as member of the Legion of Mary and helping with other charitable works. Later, she took on hobbies and was hooked for a while on Youtube and Adult Coloring Books. Now, she has coined the word “laaging” to mean a spin around the city to see new sights and structures.

Dr. Marilyn said she is amazed at her mom’s sharp mind. When she goes out for “laaging,” she knows exactly the location of where they are, or what direction they were going.

Just for fun, we searched for the meaning of the name Estrella, and found the descriptio­n was quite accurate to some degree. Estrella, according to the urban dictionary, means someone who doesn’t pull her punches but is a caring and pure-hearted person if you get on her good side. She has the biggest heart but it doesn't show and she can be shy at times.

Estrella Arguillas is so much more. Her brilliance doesn’t fade, rather, it is passed on to her children and grandchild­ren.

 ??  ?? THE CELEBRATOR Estrella Arguillas (middle) with her children (L to R, standing) Jude, Carol, Mary Jean and Jess. (Sitting) Mary Ann and Dr. Marilyn.
THE CELEBRATOR Estrella Arguillas (middle) with her children (L to R, standing) Jude, Carol, Mary Jean and Jess. (Sitting) Mary Ann and Dr. Marilyn.
 ??  ?? HER father Diosdado Orocia Sr. and mother Sinforosa.
HER father Diosdado Orocia Sr. and mother Sinforosa.
 ??  ?? ESTRELLA Arguillas, 88
ESTRELLA Arguillas, 88
 ??  ?? (STANDING L to R)Atty. John Paul Develleres, Mary Jean Caleda, Carol, Jude, Sue Ann Develleres, Florio Jr. and wife Joy, Mary Ann Chua and Dr. Marilyn. (Sitting) Leopoldo Develleres, birthday girl Estrella and sister Olivia.
(STANDING L to R)Atty. John Paul Develleres, Mary Jean Caleda, Carol, Jude, Sue Ann Develleres, Florio Jr. and wife Joy, Mary Ann Chua and Dr. Marilyn. (Sitting) Leopoldo Develleres, birthday girl Estrella and sister Olivia.
 ??  ?? WITH her neighbors who serenaded her.
WITH her neighbors who serenaded her.
 ??  ?? WITH her children and daughter in law Joy Arguillas, Phd.
WITH her children and daughter in law Joy Arguillas, Phd.
 ??  ?? HER friends and neighbors at GSIS Village who came to celebrate with her.
HER friends and neighbors at GSIS Village who came to celebrate with her.
 ??  ?? SISTER Dr. Olivia O, Develleres with her daughter Sue Ann and friend.
SISTER Dr. Olivia O, Develleres with her daughter Sue Ann and friend.

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