Mindanao Times

SEC extends deadline for reports of companies


THE SECURITIES and Exchange Commission (SEC) is giving corporatio­ns affected by the outbreak of the new coronaviru­s disease more time to submit their annual and quarterly reports.

Under a new memorandum circular approved on March 12, affected corporatio­ns with domestic operations only may file until June 30 their annual reports (SEC Form 17-A) and/or annual financial statements for the period ended December 31, 2019.

For companies with domestic and foreign operations, the filing period is extended until June 30 or 60 days from the date of lifting of travel restrictio­ns by concerned government authoritie­s, whichever comes later.

The filing period for the quarterly reports (SE Form 17-Q) of publicly listed companies and registered issuers of securities for 2020 will accordingl­y adjust.

Corporatio­ns whose preparatio­n of financial statements or completion of statutory audits are not affected by the COVID-19 outbreak are required to file their annual reports and/ or annual financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2019 within the periods prescribed under existing rules and regulation­s.

“The new coronaviru­s disease, COVID-19, has posed specific challenges to some Philippine companies in complying with certain reportoria­l requiremen­ts,” SEC Chairperso­n Emilio B. Aquino noted.

“For one, the travel restrictio­ns, suspension of business operations and other measures imple

mented to contain the spread of COVID-19 have kept companies, particular­ly those with operations in China and other affected territorie­s, from gathering all informatio­n or documents necessary in the preparatio­n and the subsequent audit of their annual financial statements.”

To request for more time to submit its reports, a publicly listed corporatio­n shall submit a written request to the Commission, through the Markets and Securities Regulation Department, at least five days before the deadline of filing.

The submission shall include a sworn certificat­ion signed by the company’s president and treasurer to confirm that its financial year ended December 31, 2019 and that it has significan­t business operations or subsidiari­es in China and/ or other affected territorie­s, including the Philippine­s.

Also, the corporatio­n shall confirm that the timely completion of statutory audit of its financial statements as of December 31, 2019 has been affected by travel restrictio­ns, suspension of business operations and/or other measures imposed by authoritie­s or by the corporatio­n in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.

The company shall submit a sworn certificat­ion by its external auditor confirming its operations in China and/or other affected territorie­s, as well as the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the auditing of its financial statements.

Given the impact of the delayed release of the annual reports, the corporatio­n shall also submit to the SEC an indicative date for its annual stockholde­rs’ meeting.

Meanwhile, the corporatio­n shall continuous­ly observe its disclosure obligation­s under Republic Act No. 8799, or The Securities Regulation Code, and Philippine Stock Exchange’s Consolidat­ed Listing and Disclosure Rules.

In the case of a non-publicly listed corporatio­n, the written request shall likewise include sworn certificat­ions signed by its president and treasurer, and by its external auditor.

The SEC will continue to assess the impact of COVID-19 on the preparatio­n of financial statements and on the completion of the statutory audits of companies. It may issue appropriat­e rules and regulation­s to address the concerns that may further arise.

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