Mindanao Times

The hiring epidemic (First of two parts)


A pervasive epidemic has long infiltrate­d our government institutio­ns, with "lagay" (bribe or grease money) and "palakasan" (favoritism, including nepotism, its subset) serving as the virulent pathogens. These unwelcome elements have transforme­d into a widespread contagion, deeply entrenched in public sector hiring practices, far outstaying their welcome. Sadly and deeply rooted in our culture, this open secret outbreak has allowed unqualifie­d individual­s to breeze through the hiring process, causing inefficien­cy and distrust for many decades.

Take these hypothetic­al yet appalling and highly likely contagious­ly recurring scenarios:

John, a bright-eyed graduate at the top of his class, applies for a government job. Despite his qualificat­ions, the position is snagged by someone whose uncle plays mahjong with the hiring manager. Then there is Pedro, whose cousin works in city hall. His applicatio­n for a permit zips through the bureaucrac­y like a hot knife through butter, thanks to the "palakasan" system. Meanwhile, others queue under the tropical sun, their papers moving at a snail's pace.

Consider Maria, who dreams of becoming a public school teacher. She got the credential­s but not the cash to 'grease the palms' of those in charge. She watches as her less-qualified counterpar­t, who slipped an envelope across the table, is welcomed aboard. That is "lagay" at work, quiet and corrosive. Worse, in her next applicatio­n, she was again bypassed by three under-qualified teacher applicants, a relative of the district supervisor, a campaign manager with the congressma­n's "backing," and the wife of the cousin of the hiring committee member. These are "palakasan" at work," subtler, yet more corrosive if you think about the learners that the incompeten­ce of these new hires will shortchang­e.

Meanwhile, a promotion is up for grabs in a government agency. The most eligible candidate is bypassed for someone whose family throws lavish night outs and karaoke parties attended by the department head. The grapevine whispers of nepotism, and morale takes a hit.

Meanwhile, the lives of the public and workers are put in danger when this politician's proxy contractor, Primo, bribes "backer"-hired government inspectors to ignore safety infraction­s in the constructi­on project of the same politician. This type of convoluted corruption, as a product of hiring illegitima­te technician­s due to "palakasan," undermines confidence in the regulatory bodies entrusted with upholding standards. The damage done is the same in magnitude as that of Jane, an insider candidate for a job in the municipal hall, who fabricates informatio­n on her CV and her eligibilit­y, as advised by the "kumares" in the office, circumvent­ing the process and unfairly excluding more truthful applicants, overstatin­g, even lying, about her connection­s and qualificat­ions.

Take the case of a mayor appointing his cousin as a department head despite needing more qualificat­ions, leaving competent candidates sidelined. Bribes grease the wheels of recruitmen­t, with positions often going to the highest bidder rather than the most qualified. A candidate with political connection­s secures a high-ranking position in a government agency despite needing more skills and experience. This example of "palakasan" highlights how personal relationsh­ips often precede meritocrac­y in public sector appointmen­ts.

More worthy students are denied scholarshi­p opportunit­ies when this government official, Ferdinand, exploits his power to get his child a slot over the others. This is a simple but devastatin­g move done to shortchang­e poor but deserving (probably) first-generation learners. How about this: By abusing his position of power and fostering a climate of harassment and abuse, appointed Human Resource head Remy asks job applicants for money and sexual favors in exchange for employment guarantees. This criminal act is worthy of a place in Dante's Inferno.

In a provincial village, a bridge project is underway. The contract mysterious­ly goes to a company with

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