Mindanao Times

Cyber libel vs Bello



DAVAO CITY (MindaNews) —Defeated vice-presidenti­al candidate Professor Walden Bello said that the people of Davao are for the “rule of law” and will support him as his trial for the two counts of cyber libel began on Monday at the Regional Trial Court Branch 10 here.

Bello told reporters City’s ex-city informatio­n in a press conference at RI¿FHU -HIU\ 7XSDV the Le Café Rotunda on He believed that most Monday that he has received of the “ordinary people” in an overwhelmi­ng Davao will be supportive support from the ordinary of him as they “do not want Dabawenyos as he faces the the politizati­on or weaponizat­ion F\EHU OLEHO FKDUJHV ¿OHG LQ of cyber libel” court by the City Prosecubec­ause they are for the WRU¶V 2I¿FH EDVHG RQ WKH ³UXOH RI ODZ ´

FRPSODLQW ¿OHG E\ 'DYDR “And I would just like to say that in our coming to Davao over the last year and a half in the preliminar­ies of this case, we have gotten a lot of support from ordinary Dabawenyos who realize what’s at stake— maybe not from big political families but certainly from ordinary people of Davao—because of that I think that hospitalit­y we have received from people here is very heartening,” KH VDLG

Bello appeared during the trial, along with his lead counsels, lawyers Danny Balucos and Estrella Elamparo, who cross examined the prosecutio­n’s ¿UVW ZLWQHVV 5RJHU %DD\ D FORVH IULHQG RI 7XSDV

Bello said his case has gained local and internatio­nal attention, saying there is so much at stake in the cyber libel charges DJDLQVW KLP

He said the decision of the trial court may affect the country’s own standing in the internatio­nal comPXQLW\

Bello added that it was unfortunat­e that the charges reached trial because government resources are being wasted for a “case like this which really is very shallow, has no basis and is in fact mainly pushed for SROLWLFDO UHDVRQV ´

He said he remains hopeful the trial court would eventually dismiss FKDUJHV DJDLQVW KLP

Elamparo said the defense team noted several loopholes in the statements of the prosecutio­n’s first witness including, among others, the lack of personal knowledge about the controvers­ial beach

 ?? BING GONZALES ?? MAYOR Sebastian Duterte listens to the concerns of residents during the “Kulturavan: Seguridad at Kaalaman” at Gem Village Gym in Barangay Ma-a on Tuesday, Feb. 27, 2024.
BING GONZALES MAYOR Sebastian Duterte listens to the concerns of residents during the “Kulturavan: Seguridad at Kaalaman” at Gem Village Gym in Barangay Ma-a on Tuesday, Feb. 27, 2024.

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