Northern Living

Home and online life with the beautiful Jackie Go


I've always been a Northern girl and living in this area is very convenient for me

and my family.

Jackie Go is a familiar face, not because she runs a popular blog, but because she has appeared in a handful of TV commercial­s. She has a fairly young family. Having been married for five years, she and her husband have been blessed with two children: 3-year-old Gabbie and 9-month-old Juro. She is a stay-at-home mom who proudly takes care of her children without the help of a yaya. "I have actually lost one pound in two weeks of being yaya-less," she says with a laugh. As such, her day revolves around her kids and the household. Her mornings are spent cuddling in bed with the kids and preparing them for the day. She is then able to do her chores when the kids take their nap. "That's the time I open my laptop and officially work. If I have urgent emails to respond to, I just do it via phone," she explains.

"I try to let my kids be kids. When you're a parent, sometimes you forget to do just that," she says of her parenting style. Jackie calls herself a "workin-progress progressiv­e parent." She lets her kids discover and explore on their own, believing that in some parents' quest to give the best for their kids, they become very constraini­ng.


There is almost no evidence of the stress of running a household and looking afer two young children on Jackie's face. She has a basic beauty regimen which follows the troika of skin care—cleanse, tone, and moisturize. "I'm big on moisturizi­ng because I have very dry skin. Now that I'm in my late 20s, I'm starting to get serious when it comes to skincare," she says, and admits that she is still searching for a brand that best suits her needs. Her ultimate goal is to be able to have nice skin that will allow her to go out even without makeup.

Jackie, due in part to her work as a commercial model, keeps her body in good shape. She used to work out at their condo's gym at least thrice a week. But now, since she no longer has the time to do so because of being yaya- less, she makes up for that by being careful with what she eats, and more importantl­y, how she eats.

"Diet-wise, I have one tip: portion control," she says, reiteratin­g a tip she has mentioned in her blog quite a few times. "It's about eating six to eight small meals a day and choosing one indulgence per day. It means if you like softdrinks, chocolates, and eat extra rice [in one] meal then you have to choose one lang per day. That way, you still don't deprive yourself from the 'bad' food you want."


"It was a typical mom- story where I had no idea of what I was doing and that I wanted an outlet where I can still be me despite becoming a new mom," Jackie says. She started blogging in 2010 soon after her she gave birth to her daughter Gabbie, but only decided to seriously pursue it the year after. "This time around I wasn't focusing on being a mom-blogger but a lifestyle blogger, to share my experience­s, thrift finds, and of course to inspire other women that just because you become mom doesn't mean you'll stop at being pretty."

Jackie exclusivel­y blogs about things she finds relevant. "I have to experience things, products, and services firsthand in order for me to write about them. It's actually anything and everything under the sun. From family, to fashion, to food, and the latest happening around the Metro," she says. She is currently in the process of revamping her blog. "I plan to host a big big giveaway as a thank-you to all my readers so stay tuned!"

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