Northern Living

Built on old values

- Eric Nicole Salta Editorial Manager

A few years ago, many people publicly claimed and believed in print’s death owing to the rise of digital consumptio­n. Many still believe in its decline. And it’s possible that it will happen.

Print is dead. It’s hard not to be affected by that simple statement, especially given my background in print media.

Little did we know, the appreciati­on for the tactile and the tangible would merely take different forms. As in the case with artist Yodel Pe’s craft through her own brand Manila Paper Trail. “Today, you can find textures, patterns and other stuff easily online, but I still prefer to scan things that I’ve found and use them instead,” says Pe. “There’s a precision called for with the old school way of doing things, which I think artists, especially the younger ones, could use to learn.” And while her form of art may seem different from what we do here at Northern Living, the lessons attached to doing things “old school” reverberat­es loud and clear today in which battling the proliferat­ion of fake news has become part of the editorial process—whether in breaking news or advocacies we believe in.

So Northern Living—the team, this issue as well as the subsequent releases in 2020—isn’t wasting time to reassert its position in the new decade as the authority on sustainabi­lity and community-building, and to an extent, building credence in content creation.

Over a decade into the publishing business, the old school way of doing things has never been a more crucial output than ever.

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