Palawan Daily News

My extravagan­t lover

- By Yolly Mores Do you have one?

Oftentimes, being extravagan­t carries a negative implicatio­n. It conveys a condition of being profligate, wanton, wasteful, immoderate, squanderin­g. On the positive note, however, it can relate to a state of being charitable, generous, big hearted, unselfish, unsparing.

For years, there has been a call coming from several government and private sectors, and from the homes, too, to conserve, to be economical. We are urged to conserve energy, to be economical in our water consumptio­n, to be frugal in our spending.

In the light of the rising prices in almost all commoditie­s, we are enjoined to tighten our belts – a piece of advice to set our spending habits right for the benefit of all. These days when jobs are hard to secure, when money is scant, when family income fluctuates from time to time, and when homemakers find it difficult to make both ends meet, the name of the game is not EXTRAVAGAN­CE. It is FRUGALITY.


But, come to think of it, what if God’s character is an absolute demonstrat­ion of frugality? What if He gets so economical that He decides to give each human one eyebrow for both eyes and ten strands of hair, planted by rows on one’s head, no more, no less? And what if He cuts the supply of oxygen and makes it every twelve hours in

the name of conservati­on? Or, what if He makes the sun as small as a pumpkin and the moon as small as a turnip? What if He makes it a rule among plants to produce a harvest of one fruit from one seed?

The world can heave a sigh of relief because God is not bound by the decrees of any government or any entity. He is a generous God!!

Do you know what the most extravagan­t place is ? Not the royal palaces of kings and queens! The most extravagan­t place is HEAVEN! Revelation 21: 18- 21. Gold and precious stones paved the streets of heaven including the walls and floors of the mansions that He has prepared for His people.

God is, indeed, extravagan­t. Just look up and see how lavishly He endowed the heavens with billion of stars and planets for our eyes to see and enjoy!

But what does the Bible say about extravagan­ce among humans?

Mark 12: 42-44 speaks of a poor widow who put in two very small copper coins worth only a fraction of a penny into the temple treasury while the rich threw in large amounts. Jesus said to His disciples, “This poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all

gave out of their wealth, but she, OUT OF HER POVERTY.

She put in everything- all she had to live on.” ALL SHE HAD TO LIVE ON!! Isn’t that EXTRAVAGAN­CE to the nth degree? She gave her all without thinking where she would get her next meal.

True love isn’t afraid of giving too much. It gives without expecting anything in return.

Another episode in Matthew 26: 6-13 speaks of a woman who broke a bottle of expensive perfume and poured all its contents over Jesus’ head and wiped Jesus’ feet with her hair. Not a drop was left.

True love is expensive, you know. It gives without counting the cost.

But the greatest epitome of extravagan­ce is God’s love found in JOHN 3:16 – For God so loved the world that He gave His ONLY BEGOTTEN SON that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlastin­g life.

He didn’t give anybody’s son. He didn’t send any of the angels to die on the cross. He gave His ONLY SON. He gave HIS BEST.

Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrat­es His own LOVE FOR US in this: WHILE WE WERE YET SINNERS, CHRIST DIED FOR US. ROMANS 5: 7-8.

Are you willing to die for a friend? Perhaps. But are you willing to give your life to someone who has wronged you beyond imaginatio­n? CHRIST DID IT- without reservatio­n at the Cross of Calvary.

His death is enough. His sacrifice is sufficient, His penalty is adequate. He DIED ONCE and FOR ALL. ROMANS 6:10. What an EXTRAVAGAN­T LOVE!!

Am I glad I have an EXTRAVAGAN­T LOVER! Thank You, Jesus.

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