Panay News

‘Give Duterte martial law in Mindanao a chance to work’

-  By Glenda Sologastoa

ILOILO City – “Let’s give the President a chance.”

That’s Gov. Arthur Defensor Sr. reacting to the declaratio­n of martial law in Mindanao following the attack of the Maute terrorist group in Marawi City on Tuesday.

“The situation there i s serious. Declaring martial law is needed to restore order in the area,” said Defensor.

The President’s action was reasonable under the circumstan­ces prevailing in Mindanao, the governor added.

The martial law in Mindanao will be for 60 days. The President, however, said this

could be extended depending on the situation on the ground.

“Congress will also scrutinize t he martial l aw declaratio­n. Within 48 hours from the time of the declaratio­n, he would ask Congress to approve it,” Defensor further explained. Under the Constituti­on, Congress has t he power t o revoke t he President’s declaratio­n of martial law.

“problem Mindanao is very serious. The peace and order Ang problem theresa should be addressed immediatel­y by the President and I think the only way to do that is by declaring martial law provided it’s only for a limited period,” said Defensor.

The President was open to the possibilit­y of expanding the martial law to the Visayas.

But Defensor said there is no peace and order problem in the Visayas./

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