Panay News

Johnny Depp apologizes for Trump assassinat­ion joke


JOHNNY Depp apologized Friday for joking about President Donald Trump being assassinat­ed, as his remarks to a music festival audience triggered an angry backlash.

The “Pirates of the Caribbean” star made the off- color comments late Thursday at the Glastonbur­y Festival in southwest England, telling the crowd it had “been a while” since an actor had assassinat­ed a president.

The remarks drew a stern response from the White House, as Depp said he had intended no malice.

“President Trump has condemned violence in all forms and it’s sad that others like Johnny Depp have not followed his lead,” said Trump’s spokeswoma­n Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

“I hope that some of Mr. Depp’s colleagues will speak out against this type of rhetoric as strongly as they would if his comments were directed to a Democrat elected official.”

In a statement to celebrity magazine People, the 54-year-old expressed regret that that his words “did not come out as intended,” adding that he had intended no malice and “was only trying to amuse, not to harm anyone.”

“I apologize for the bad joke I attempted last night in poor taste about President Trump,” he said.

The A-Lister had turned up at a drive-in cinema at Glastonbur­y, introducin­g his 2004 film “The Libertine” and answering questions from the 1,500-strong audience.

“I think he needs help and there are a lot of wonderful dark, dark places he could go,” Depp said when asked about Trump.

“When was the last time an actor assassinat­ed a president? I want to qualify, I am not an actor. I lie for a living.

“However, it has been a while and maybe it is time,” Depp added.

In 1865, Civil War president Abraham Lincoln was shot dead in a Washington theatre by actor John Wilkes Booth.

“This is going to be in the press, and it will be horrible,” the actor acknowledg­ed to the Glastonbur­y crowd, telling them he was glad they were “all a part of it.”

“I apologize for the bad joke I attempted last night in poor taste

about President Trump.”

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