Panay News

New markets to help PH trade recovery – NEDA


NEDA- attached agency Philippine Statistics Authority reported that total trade contracted by 1.2 percent in June 2017, after posting 10 months of positive growth since August last year.

Despite the contractio­n, total merchandis­e trade grew by 11.2 percent for the first half of 2017 from the previous year, with exports (13.6 percent) and imports ( 9.6 percent) supporting the growth.

“We expect Philippine trade to recover, as the global economic recovery is seen to be on firmer footing in the second half of the year,” Socioecono­mic Planning secretary Ernesto Pernia said.

He noted that, to help in tapping new trade markets, the country can take advantage of its EU-Generalize­d System of Preference­s Plus ( GSP+) preferenti­al status.

The NEDA chief also recommende­d t hat t he Department o f Trade and Industry continue its i nformation sessions on “Doing Business with the EU using the GSP+” in key cities and towns in the country.

“This will help businesses t o co mply wi t h th e requiremen­ts, such as rules of origin, and hurdle trade barriers, such as product standards,” Pernia said.

Meanwhile, modest growth in Philippine exports with ASEAN (4.8 percent) and EU (3.9 percent) helped cushion the decline in traditiona­l markets such as US (- 8.7 percent), Japan (-9 pecent), and China (-2.4 percent).

For Philippine imports, growth in ASEAN (4.5 percent) and EU (0.5 percent) helped offset decline from the US (-8.2 percent), China (-3.7 percent), and Taiwan (-33.1 percent).

“In light of our hosting of the ASEAN Summit this year, our country is also in a better position to push for a reduction in non-tariff barriers within the region,” Pernia said, noting that non- tariff measures had increased from 1,634 to 5,975 between 2000 and 2015.

Pernia also noted ongoing regulatory reforms identified in the Philippine Developmen­t Plan 2017- 2022, including delisting, abolishing, and consolidat­ing or easing existing rules and regulation­s that affect doing business in the country. ( PNA)

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