Panay News

Advantages and disadvanta­ges of geneticall­y modified organisms

- By Imee G. Alca yde, Pontevedra, Capiz

IN EARLY 2000s we were bombarded with news on all media platforms about geneticall­y modified organisms (GMOs). Green-minded concerned groups would even march on the streets with slogans that slapped GMO mascots in the face. GMOs were believed to answer the demand in production given the growing world population.

GMOs have become common in everyday foods, and below are the advantages why. GMOs allow for more profit. They are an effective way to provide farmers a larger profit, while making them spend less time on resources.

GMOs introduce the knowledge of genetic alteration­s. This is done through mapping genetic material for GMO crops. This way, we

would get the ability to enhance crop genes and make them more beneficial for human production and consumptio­n. Plants can be engineered to resist temperatur­e or produce higher yields, which is good for regions where climate limits productivi­ty.

GMOs are economical­ly efficient. Because GMOs are designed to resist pests, there will be no need for pesticides to be used, which means more savings. GMOs are known to decrease food prices. Advanced crops and lower costs can lead to cheaper food. This will certainly help families who cannot afford to buy their needed supply for everyday consumptio­n, so starvation will be prevented.

GMOs add more nutritiona­l value to crops. The GMO method can put i n added nutritiona­l value to crops that lack necessary vitamins and minerals. Considerin­g that there are places in the world relying on rice or corn as their daily staple, plant genes may be added t o these crops to increase their nutritiona­l value. This would help malnourish­ed population­s receive more nutrients from their diet.

GMO products are found to be safe. The precise evaluation and testing of GMOs crops and other products means they are safe for human consumptio­n. In fact, research shows that they are safer compared with traditiona­l crops.

But many environmen­tal groups only became wary of this product because of several disadvanta­ges. GMOs are found to be harmful to other insects that are important to our ecosystem. GMOs are believed to be dangerous to some insects because new crop genes can be deadly to them. This is worth noting when it comes to certain insects, such as butterflie­s, that are not actually dangerous to crops.

GMOs spark concerns on changing t he f i eld of agricultur­e. The process of making GMOs i ncludes adding new genetic material into an organism’s genome. In agricultur­al ecology, this means introducin­g new genes in the genome of crops like corn. Research on the effects of cultivatio­n of GM crops in a large scale has sparked various concerns, specifical­ly those i deas on ecosystems with GMO strains. As proven by certain studies, GMO strains have the potential to change agricultur­e.

GMOs can also damage the environmen­t. Geneticall­y modified crops can cause a threat to the environmen­t due to the fact that they are not a natural way to plant and cultivate plants. Moreover, GMOs c ause unwanted residual effects. A geneticall­y modified plant can leave unwanted residual substances that can remain in the soil for extended period of time. Agricultur­al regulators were alerted by research that strains from GM crops would remain in the soil for years after the crops were removed. Its data even reported that despite the absence of these

plants, the strain persisted for up to more than five years.

GMOs create more weeds. Take note that engineered crops can act as mediators in transferri­ng genes to wild plants, which can create more weeds. To keep these new weeds under control, scientists t hen i nvented new herbicides that were not necessary for non- GMO weeds. These chemicals are also toxic to various mammals and amphibians, who are feeding on GMO crops. Tests even show that the uptake of these herbicides also has toxic consequenc­es on aquatic ecosystems. Also, GMOs have trade issues. In other countries and regions in the world, there may be problems regarding trade matters, such as tariff and quota. ( Paid article)

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