Panay News

Advantages of using gadgets

-  By Lezel Falco Alaban, Teacher I Bag-ong Barrio National High School, Tapaz, Capiz

IT IS SAFE to assume that most people today have gadgets. Using gadgets has become a must for everyone, with technology affecting our lives in many ways. Technology is now a necessity for anyone. People of all ages must learn technology and how it works.

Gadgets are really beneficial i f used properly. In this article, I will discuss some of the advantages of using them.

Accessible. With the internet providing instant answers to questions, doing homework and researchin­g is now easier and more fun. Experts call this process the “search-and-learn environmen­t.” A tap on our mobile devices can give answers to questions right away.

Using gadgets in the classroom is good if it helps students do better in class. Students may learn many things without asking their teachers.

Communicat­ion. Amid all the risks in the modern world, the use of smartphone­s can

offer parents and guardians a little peace of mind when their children are at school. Most mobile devices are equipped with GPS that enables their users to get tracked if necessary.

Students can become independen­t, one of the life skills they need to develop, as well. With the help of gadgets, they may figure things out on their own without asking older people.

Learning. People learn things in various ways, including education and experience. Learning – particular­ly social learning – is also possible with the use of gadgets. Social learning is where students share informatio­n, thoughts and ideas on a subject.

Gadgets are useful in many ways. Of course there are disadvanta­ges. But we cannot argue with the fact that, if used properly, gadgets are not only beneficial but, more important, a necessity for all of us. ( Paid article)

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