Panay News

‘Bookies’ suspects caught in Balasan


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 ?? IAN PAUL CORDERO/PN ?? BIG BULGAN. A fisher dangles his freshly caught bulgan to passersby at the Muelle Loney Bridge in Barangay Rizal, La Paz, Iloilo City. Caught from the Iloilo River – an arm of the sea – the fish is priced at P350, he says. A sweet-and-sour or sinigang...
IAN PAUL CORDERO/PN BIG BULGAN. A fisher dangles his freshly caught bulgan to passersby at the Muelle Loney Bridge in Barangay Rizal, La Paz, Iloilo City. Caught from the Iloilo River – an arm of the sea – the fish is priced at P350, he says. A sweet-and-sour or sinigang...

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