Panay News

On dancing and sports

- By Ma. Liza A. Bersabal T-I, Commission­er Luis R. Asis National High School, Panay, Capiz

DANCING and sports are topics within the Physical Education aspect of the Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health subject.

Plenty of dances are being taught in the Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health subject long before the K to 12 curriculum and it remains that way in the implementa­tion of the K to 12 curriculum.

These dances include those under indigenous, folk dances with Asian influences like Pangalay, Sakuting, Sua- ku- sua, and Binislakan, social dances, ballroom dances, hip- hop, street dance, cheer dance, and contempora­ry dance. Aside from dancing, there are sports like basketball, volleyball, softball, and baseball.

What these things have in common is the emphasis on the proper execution of movements to prevent injuries from happening.

Also, i f dancing and sports were required to be done in a group or team format, teamwork, communicat­ion, and considerat­ion for others especially if their grasp of the dance or sport needs more improvemen­t than others are taught.

Both are instrument­s that can be used to make and maintain an active and healthy lifestyle. In the K to 12 curriculum, these activities are also a medium to remind people that without eating the right food and eating at the right quantities, the efforts to being physically active for a healthy life is useless.

Dancing can also help in maintainin­g mental health because sports and dancing can be used as a distractio­n from the battles a person is going through. Also, because dancing is a choreograp­hed thing, unlike sports wherein the results are determined by the performanc­e of the person doing the sport, it is a medium of expression of emotions – a healthy kind of release. Dancing is more than just an activity done for leisure. It is more than just an activity for entertainm­ent. Dancing is a way to present the stories of a community or any story.

Both dancing and most sports improve cardio- respirator­y endurance of the individual because it challenges the ability of our heart and lungs to function well despite continuous and strenuous activity.

It also helps the muscular endurance because of the repetitive motions that need to be done when executing dances or sports moves. Certain moves also help in our physical flexibilit­y. Physical warm-ups prior to doing dances and sports that require a lot of physical activity also does its share in cardio-respirator­y, muscular endurance, and flexibilit­y. With dancing and sports requiring mental effort to execute things properly, it also helps decrease cognitive decline especially if people who are more vulnerable to mental decline keep learning new dances and sports.

Sports and dance can get the stereotype of being a tool of setting yourself apart from the others depending on whether or not you can execute the sport or dance well but it does not have to be that way because it can be used to be physically active and maintain a healthy life, make new friends, and to have fun. Also, sports and dance should not be used as a basis on judging a person’s sexuality. Let the people do what they want if they are passionate about it. It is all a matter of perspectiv­e. ( Paid article)

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