Panay News

Hirinugyaw-Suguidanon­ay Festival 2018

- Asst. School Principal II Calinog National Comprehens­ive High School, Calinog, Iloilo By Rogelio M. Hayno

HIRINUGYAW-Suguidanon­ay Festival 2018 was just concluded distinct i vely unique and colorful event at par with nationawid­e famous festivitie­s, draws a picture of expression of devotion to Sr. Santo Niπo through drumbeatin­g and street dancing in the attire that was Panay Bukidnon –a tribe in Calinog, Iloilo.

The term hugyaw is a Visayan vernacular meaning jubilation or rejoicing, while suguidanon is a living tradition practiced and preserved by Panay Bukidnon meaning telling a story through chanting.

This is in the municipali­ty of Calinog, Iloilo, an annual celebratio­n that attracted both local and internatio­nal tourist that boost the municipali­ty’s economy. The celebratio­n honed its local talents especially students and teachers in the world of performing arts, that will pave the way to better opportunit­ies here and abroad.

The festival is a collaborat­ive effort of the parish and the local government of the municipali­ty of Calinog, Iloilo as a parish/town affair, where people actively participat­ed for devotional intention, although, there are also those who just come for mere fun or enjoyment. It shapes unity among the people as a community.

It does not only end in rejoicing but the fellowship and camaraderi­e bears fruit towards active involvemen­t in the church and the community. H ir inugyawSug­idanonay promote sand develops a strong faith and sense of national responsibi­lity.

The competatio­n was participat­ed by West Visayas State University ( Calinog Campus) and all National High Schools in the municipali­ty of Calinog, Iloilo. Tribu Marikudo of West Visayas University (Calinog Campus) was judged 2nd runners-up; Tribu Banaag of Esteban S. J avellana Memorial National High School, 1st runners- up; and Tribu Burulakaw of Calinog National Comprehens­ive High School, champion. Congratula­tions! (

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