Panay News

Roles of Assistant School Principals in Senior High School

-  By Rollie Kim F. Relano,

SENIOR High School is an important part of a student’s life. It is the time the student is at a crossroads – choosing to either proceed to college or prepare to find a job.

This i s i mportant, especially now t hat unemployme­nt and underemplo­yment is high, and more so because the business sector has doubts on the capabiliti­es and adaptabili­ty of Senior High School students in the workplace.

Assistant principals do play a valuable role in Senior High School; they get involved in the developmen­t of the teachers students, and the school.

I ncluded i n t hei r work i s assessment, which is related to not only how students and teachers perform, is how well the things that help make the school perform well are being executed.

What comes with assessment, however, is monitoring the condition of

Assistant School Principal II, Maayon National High School the teachers, students and the school.

Although the position of assistant principal is high, there is nothing wrong with getting out there in the field and knowing the current situation. They could then assist the principal in making decisions that would benefit the school, including the Senior High School program.

As they do their rounds in monitoring, they can also monitor behavior that is inappropri­ate for a Senior High School

student in the workplace.

The most important role of assistant principals, especially with the principals preoccupie­d with making decisions of a grander scale, is being a bridge between Senior High School students and their prospect employers. This is the reason the Senior High School level was created in the first place.

Assistant principals must do their share in making sure the students get the best education through a combinatio­n of teaching and objects needed in teaching. These students must get the trust and confidence of the businesses or offices where they intend to work. Linkages are useful in helping those students who already want to work to get into the organizati­on of their choice.

In anything that the school does, the role of each person involved matters – even those of the assistant principal. (Paid article)

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