Panay News

Work also needs planning

-  By Eduardo Barona Jr., Teacher I, Capiz National High School

PEOPLE say that most kinds of work are just done in the form of routines so there is nothing much to worry about except how well we remember what we have to do and what we have to do for the day. This is what some young people believe, which makes them complacent and inefficien­t, and makes their desire of having longevity leaning toward limbo.

What they don’t realize is that work needs planning. A schedule is a plan on its own. Prioritizi­ng the tasks that they have to do is connected with planning. How to do the tasks efficientl­y is part of planning.

There is more to being an employee than doing what is asked of someone. Even the employee needs to be a planner, not just a worker or implemente­r of the plan from the authority, to do their job effectivel­y.

Planning should be a part of the simulation of work that a TechnicalV­ocational Livelihood Education student must have.

Being effective in planning can help elevate an employee to a higher position, which includes management, or make them responsibl­e enough to handle their own business entity.

We need to plan the things we do so it would be very likely that things would go according to plan. Planning could also include reflecting from past mistakes when doing the task and coming up with a new way to do things effectivel­y.

The habit of planning can help the employee become a manager if they are an effective planner who is able to figure out the possible scenarios that could happen and come up with possible solutions, or do research on new ways to do things and coming up with ways on how to do the new technique or method well.

As a part of preparing the TVL students for the future, we need to teach the students to the point that they are capable of being efficient and dependable workers.

We should teach them the habits and techniques that help them become effective employees as the opportunit­ies to learn such things do not come often in some companies. ( Paid article)

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