Panay News

Let us go back to the library

-  By Ritchiel Ann I. Felizardo Cabug-Cabug National High School

AT A TIME when the digital means are replacing the old ways we do things, some people think that it is better to stick with everything that is digital as it is more convenient when it comes to the way the functions can be used or accessed because they are easily found through a few clicks or taps in handheld devices.

With this trend, you cannot blame people for shifting toward simpler, digital means of doing things. The same thing is true when researchin­g, as more people are using the internet when it comes to researchin­g rather than going to the library and searching for informatio­n using printed materials.

But this reliance on the internet for informatio­n to expand the knowledge the student has with regard to a specific topic can lead the learner toward informatio­n that can be misleading because anybody can put any informatio­n they want on the internet, especially when they do not contribute to a reputable source of informatio­n.

This reliance on the internet will not develop or help in maintainin­g the habit of reading things from word number one to what the person thinks is the last word that can help him or her learn about a particular topic because they will point the cursor toward the text, and start clicking the text to highlight it, and then paste it to Microsoft Word. This is unlike doing things the traditiona­l way, which requires the researcher to read through the text, come up with the right words to paraphrase the idea of the author, and check if they understand the text well.

When it comes to researchin­g, it is better to do things that help you thoroughly comprehend what you are reading because doing things like reading through the text and checking if the words you are using to paraphrase what the author stated is a way to read the content you use for research twice without making the task of reading feel that it is repetitive because you do two different things: one helps you understand what you are reading and the other helps check if you do understand what you are reading.

So when it comes to researchin­g, it is better for us to go back to the library. (

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