Panay News

Importance of writing skills

-  By Donal C. Faus to, T-III ine Cabug Cabug NHS, President Roxas, Capiz

WRITING is a physical and mental act. It’s about discoverin­g ideas, thinking about how to communicat­e through written statements that are meaningful and understand­able by readers. Just like verbal communicat­ion, writing has its own purpose, to express and to impress.

Writing allows asynchrono­us communicat­ion and does not require the person communicat­ing to be either the same place or the same time as the person receiving the communicat­ion. Writing allows greater precision in communicat­ing ideas because the writer will have the time to think and do revising if needed.

Able to write good and correct communicat­ion letters, memos and other form of written outputs are vital in every profession. In a teaching profession, for instance, teachers are required to prepare and write lesson plans daily to make meaningful and interactiv­e teaching-learning processes.

Students’ records, instructio­nal materials and other school reports are some of the required written works for teachers. Also, in the medical field, for instance, doctors are required to write reports for patients, technician­s, and software developers write instructio­nal manuals for the users. Practicall­y, everybody needs to master the basic skills of writing in order to express clearly their thoughts, opinions and feelings without creating confusion to the part of the reader.

Good writing skills are, therefore, valued in the workplace, and people who are good writers using the English language that can express their ideas, knowledge and feelings have greater confidence compare to those who cannot write at all. Applicants who are able to write correct resume and applicatio­n letters are likely to be hired compared to those who are not able to produce a meaningful applicatio­n letters. Bestsellin­g books depend on how the author arranges details that are relatable to the readers.

Therefore, good writing skills are one of the requiremen­ts to be a competent communicat­or and to have a successful career. That is why, as an English teacher, I need to extend effort and dedication to search or even benchmark for the latest pedagogies in teaching students how to write essays, letters, reports and speeches effectivel­y and meaningful­ly.

I have kept in mind to equip my students with the basic skills in writing for them to become competent writers and be prepared for further written tasks in whatever career they will pursue after senior high school.

All in all, writing skills really matters. ( Paid article)

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