Panay News

How to teach elementary pupils effectivel­y

- By Marivic B. Pungot, T-III, Dulangan Elementary School, Pilar, Capiz

TO BE A TEACHER is to be a student twice. When we teach we also learn from our students or pupils, thus making teaching an exciting and challengin­g experience for anyone. It can be quite challengin­g to put four years of knowledge in teaching into a classroom environmen­t. But while it may seem difficult at first, it does become easier over time.

We, elementary teachers, are teaching pupils at the level from Grade 1 to Grade 6. We are teaching very young people who are just starting to acquire knowledge. It is thus important to all elementary school teachers to have passion for educating as well as loving children.

I think that for us to become successful in teaching we should have methods and strategies for an effective elementary classroom environmen­t.


We all love teachers who are kind and nice to everyone. In the Philippine setting, there are more than 30 to 40 or sometimes 50 pupils in a class, meaning there are like 30, 40 to 50 personalit­ies you must handle.

It is really important for children to feel that their teacher cares about them individual­ly. Not sure how to convey that?

A simple act like greeting pupils at the classroom door is a great way to connect. A friendly mindset is good enough for them to realize that teachers are nice and school is so much fun.


The first advice is essential to this one. Making good impression­s to our pupils is important because the impact of an effective elementary school teacher can remain with a child for the rest of his or her life.

In some cases, what we leave on their minds could be their outlook in the educationa­l system as a whole. This is what makes effective teaching strategies so important at this early age.

Sparking your pupil’s interest at a young age is an absolutely critical part of their learning developmen­t. A teacher who can make learning not only fun, but engaging and memorable, will help establish the value of education in the mind of the learner.


Making everything consistent is vital. From good impression­s to a funny learning environmen­t. Let’s just be all cool in teaching our pupils. We have to remember that these people are still young and they tend to seek love and attention. (Paid article)

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