Panay News

Some helpful ways to improve students’ reading skills

- By Beverly B. Velado, Brgy. Guintas, Jamindan Capiz

READING is one of the English skills besides speaking, listening and writing. It is the way to understand written messages. According to Nuttal, reading means a result of interactio­n between the writer’s mind and the reader’s mind. It is the way how to the reader tries to get the message or the intended meaning from the writer. Meaning, in this process, the reader tries to create the meanings intended by the writer, the reader can get the message, and the writer’s meaning sense.

The importance of reading must be seen by students as very essential in their life. Especially high school students who are in their way to college. One of the things students soon realize about college is that they must learn most things on their own, and often, this requires them to locate resources outside the classroom.

In that case, learning how to become independen­t in learning things can help them to have more confidence within themselves. In learning how to read for instance, it is best to know how we teachers can help our students to improve and develop their English reading skills. 1. START WITH EASY VOCABULARI­ES FIRST. Easy vocabulari­es are helpful in developing the students’ reading skills. Giving them difficult vocabulari­es during the first meeting of your

classes would make them feel bored and uninterest­ed. Just have a vocabulary bowl every day before you start your English class. 2. HAVE SILENT READING. Silent reading is proved to be an effective way to increase reading efficiency. Silent reading will also help the students close reading skills. Teachers must guide students in comprehend­ing the reading texts by directing them to do more than highlight or underline. Encourage students to have a conversati­on with the text by jotting notes on the text while reading—this keeps students engaged and often increases comprehens­ion.


One of the best ways to improve students’ reading skills is by letting them read what they want to read. In this case, they’re excitement in reading the book or text will increase. Simply put, the best way to improve reading is to read, and students are more likely to read when they have a choice in the reading.

Above all, it is still important to make sure that students really read the book or the text. Conducting reading comprehens­ion test at the end of it is pivotal in improving their reading skills. ( Paid article)

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