Panay News

What has 35 years of EDSA wrought?

(We yield this space to the statement of the National Council of Churches Philippine­s due to its significan­ce. – Ed.)



five years ago, the Filipino people overthrew a dictator that has ruled ruthlessly for years. That uprising showed the world that a united people, armed only with determinat­ion and prayers, can stop tanks and soldiers on their tracks and effect a relatively smooth transition of power. EDSA People Power was a shining moment in our history, one that all Filipinos should be proud of. It was a euphoric time when the country was full of hope for a better future. But what has 35 years of EDSA wrought?

Unfortunat­ely, 35 years after EDSA, the Marcoses are back in power, with Bongbong Marcos almost narrowly becoming the country’s Vice President. History is being revised by purveyors of fake news to falsely present that the martial law period was a glorious time for the nation.

The military are also more powerful than ever, with a high number of retired generals ubiquitous­ly occupying various civilian posts in government. While there is no outright military rule yet, the Anti-Terrorism Law has been passed which goes against major provisions in the Bill of Rights of our Constituti­on. The National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) is blatantly red- tagging various personalit­ies and organizati­ons, even churches and schools, that are critical of President Duterte’s administra­tion, violating the rights to freedom of expression and associatio­n.

Ominously, extrajudic­ial killings or “salvagings” which was the popular term during the Marcos period, have become pervasive again. Thousands have been killed in the war on drugs and hundreds of human rights defenders including farmers and indigenous people, have also been murdered, tagged as “communists/NPA supporters”.

Saddest of all, the changes for social justice that was a promise of the EDSA Uprising that will redound to an abundant life for the Filipino people remains elusive. This has become more glaring in this time of pandemic. Millions of Filipinos are suffering the blunt of the government’s failure to properly address the health and economic crises.

So, what has 35 years of EDSA wrought? Hope. Hope that the promise of EDSA can be felt in the younger “woke” generation who are clamoring for change and the older generation who simply would not let the dying of the light during the darkest night. Hope that the people will work together for God’s promise of abundant life like what they did 35 years ago. And as a Council of Churches, we will continue to nurture this God’s gift of hope for justice and peace to rightfully reign in this land through prayers and righteous action. While the light and spirit of People Power seems to flicker at its lowest, let the Bible remind us:

“Do not lag in zeal, be ardent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints; extend hospitalit­y to strangers.” ( Romans 12: 11-13, NRSV)


is a myth regarding the EDSA People Power Revolution. This myth is the unspoken assumption that EDSA was entirely the product of ordinary working and middle-class masses who went out into the streets and stood their ground against the Marcos regime.

Like many myths though, the facts Uprisings rarely succeed without don’t support it. Fidel V. Ramos, Juan elite support, and this is because Ponce Enrile, the Aquinos, several uprisings are a form of warfare, and high-ranking military officers and like all forms of war, they require the Catholic Church, not to mention coordinati­on, assets, means of several interests with a grudge communicat­ion and more. So when against Ferdinand Marcos and his people talk about how EDSA was all administra­tion. ABS CBN and the about People Power, I get the urge to Lopezes come to mind. Looking at tell them that no, counter-elites were these interests. It’s clear that EDSA also involved. was more than just a working class / For comparison, let us examine the middle-class uprising. “insurrecti­on” that took place early

This isn’t to say that the masses this January when Donald Trump’s were just pawns in EDSA, but I don’t supporters stormed the US Capitol. The think they would have succeeded only captured scene of violence was without elite support. Some might one of the Trump supporters getting argue that, yes, the masses of EDSA shot by security. would have succeeded even if Ramos, That event had the power to Enrile, Sin and the others had remained become an American EDSA, but it loyal to the government. I would, quickly fizzled out, and now those who however, argue no. participat­ed are being hounded.

Why did they fail? They had no counter- elites to watch t heir backs. All they had was Trump. But even he renounced them.

So in the end, they were on their own, and there’s a lesson t h e r e : C o u n t e r - e l i t e s a r e necessary f or any successful political movement./


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