Panay News



WE HAVEN’T heard much from former Negros Occidental governor Rafael “Lito” Coscolluel­a since leaving politics after his three consecutiv­e terms (1992 to 1995; 1995 to 1998; 1998 to 2001) ended.

But lo and behold! When the still handsome ex-provincial chief executive emerged from his hibernatio­n recently, he came out swinging.

On Feb. 25 during the 35th anniversar­y of the EDSA People Power Revolution, Lito served as one of the conveners of the “Negros for Leni” movement which aims to persuade the Vice President to run for the

Toto presidency this 2022 election.

“Leni will not only lead with competence but inspire Filipinos in search of hope…empowermen­t, and will restore our faith in a government that nurtures and builds,” said Lito. But Negros Occidental’s much loved former governor did not stop there. Toto

Bacolod. And it may not be to Mayor Bing’s liking. Nagkomento man sia sa panghimanw­a sa cuidad sang

According to Lito, frustrated the way Bacolod is being managed. Too much politickin­g kuno.

Toto gid sia kuno It seems that each move of the city government has political considerat­ion.

kuno Do you agree or disagree, Councilor Jun? Newks “dies-dies” laughing! AS THE May 9, 2022 elections draw near, talks are getting louder in coffee shops that the Tupas and Biron clans could coalesce and field a formidable tandem for Iloilo governor and vice governor.

The Tupases hold sway in the 5th District while the Birons have a tight grip on the 4th District. Take note that these two districts are vote-rich.

lobby Biron camp Cong. Boboy Tupas former congressma­n Ferj Biron,” according to a political pundit, referring to Mayor Bryant Paul Biron of Barotac Nuevo and 4th District’s Cong. Braeden John Biron.

On the other hand, Doc Ferj may run for 4th District congressma­n once again. But will Cong. Boboy take the bait? There are talks that

Biron camp former congressma­n Jun-jun to make a comeback in the 5th District and make peace with younger brother Boboy. Everybody happy, right? two-cornered fight

three-cornered fight. The Garins of the 1st District have yet to disclose their 2022 election plans,” according to our Deep Throat.

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