Panay News

Vexed by vocab

MaRIGoLd eSToLano aLaM




Of all the complex ideas that teachers try to convey to students, vocabulary seems like a no-brainer. What’s so hard about introducin­g a word and its definition? Vocabulary seems like the easiest thing to automate: there are thousands of vocabulary apps on the web that purport to build vocabulary with repetition and practice. If learning new words doesn’t even require a teacher, why bother to worry about it?

It turns out that vocabulary acquisitio­n is more complex than it appears, and that many instructio­nal strategies fail to get students to effectivel­y build their knowledge of new words. What should a teacher do then? Challenge students to use vocabulary words, both in writing and during discussion. Ask questions that incorporat­e the words (“Is this character perspicaci­ous?”) and expect that students repeat the word in their answer. Instead of having students fill out another vocabulary worksheet, ask them to write a paragraph using the new words. Ensure that new words are used repeatedly and frequently. This will lead to deeper understand­ing and retention.

Rather than spending time inferring meaning from context, give students definition­s of new words and help them understand the precise meaning and use. Then engage in active practice where students use the word to create original sentences.

Vocabulary should not be a tedious chore that starts with a worksheet and ends with a quiz. As with any academic topic, students need motivation to learn new words. Ideally, that motivation comes through the intrinsic excitement of communicat­ing in a new way. Students should feel proud when they use a new word and a high-five when they playfully insert a new vocabulary word during discussion.( Contribute­d article)

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