Panay News

On the issues of pre-marital sex and teenage pregnancy MaRIGoLD eSToLaNo aLaM




Teenage pregnancy and pre-marital sex are prevalent in today’s society. The rise of social media and dating apps are the causes why people are very sexually active. Sex can be a form of self-validation to some people, that performing the act with others makes them feel attracted and loved.

Pre-marital sex is an act of having sex before taking an oath to the Lord, marriage, while Teenage pregnancy is ‘one’ of the results of pre-marital sex. Many problems could stem just from this act because having sex with someone without any background informatio­n can impose a lot of problems, such as STIs and possible abuse.

The bible high condemns this activity. One should not perform sexual intercours­e with someone unless they are married. Marriage is important because it is a union between two people in front of the Lord and having sex before marriage technicall­y spoils its sanctity of it. Engagement in pre-marital sex before and outside of marriage is to sin in God’s sight. According to Paul, following the desires of the sinful act will lead to lust and sexual immorality, that in itself is a sin, one of the 7 highly condemned sins. Hebrews 13:4 made it clear how important marriage is to the Lord.

To address this, we should rid the taboo of ignoring the subject of sex to our children and scarcely tell them how terrible it is to have sex at an early age and for girls, get pregnant. Tell them the possible hardships they might experience and not only for themselves but also for the possible child they will bear someday. Counseling held by the local government about this topic might be a big step in preventing teenage pregnancy.( Contribute­d article)

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