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Creative writing tips and techniques for learners AVILIEN P. VILLANUEVA

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There is a vast area of creative writing that exists outside of the commercial and hard journalist­ic worlds. Honing creative writing abilities is essential for success, whether students are just starting out, a nonfiction writer trying to try new things, or a hobbyist hoping to publish their works. A variety of diverse genres and writing styles outside of the more formal parameters of technical writing or academic writing are included in the category of creative writing. In order to infuse its structure with creativity and a compelling narrative, creative writing works on themes like character developmen­t, narrative, and storyline.

There are a lot of students who wish to excel when it comes to creative writing. And teachers are trying to help them by giving them advice. One of those pieces of advice in order for students to excel in creative writing is to always write. The random thoughts that come to pupils’ minds should not be disregarde­d. We never know what will spark an inspiratio­n for a better concept down the road; even bad ideas might inspire wonderful ones.

A creative writer should also embrace rewriting. Rarely does a writer complete a draft that is perfect. Although their material may be flexible, students should not be afraid to cut out the unnecessar­y details, discard the ideas that don’t work, or, in some situations, start from scratch. It takes a lot of time and thought to tell a story and establish a world, so they can only create the best version by revising it.

The results of their creative efforts and the places their imaginatio­ns lead them might terrify or shame many beginners. Students can develop their own writing abilities to become better writers through practice, writing prompts, creative writing exercises, and freewritin­g.(

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