Panay News

The impact of artificial intelligen­ce on humanity and students

- ❙ By: Judy Mae D. Tejado, Teacher 2 Manuel Regalado Elementary School

Digital existence is enhancing human potential while upending longstandi­ng human activity. More than half of the world’s population now uses code-driven systems especially in school, which present both extraordin­ary potential and challenges that have never been seen before. Will people be better off than they are now as algorithm-driven artificial intelligen­ce (AI) continues to spread? As the next ten years, experts predict that the advent of artificial intelligen­ce will improve the lives of the majority of people, but many people are concerned about how these developmen­ts will change what it means to be human, to be productive, and to have free will.

Furthermor­e, a prevalent misconcept­ion about AI is that it involves devices like computers and machines that aid humans in problem-solving and streamline business operations. In a nutshell, it is artificial intelligen­ce that has been created by humans and shown by machines. These capabiliti­es of human-made tools that mimic the “cognitive” skills of the innate intelligen­ce of human minds are referred to as “artificial intelligen­ce” (AI). According to history, people are constantly seeking methods that are quicker, simpler, more efficient, and convenient to complete the tasks they are working on. As a result, the need for continued progress drives people to seek out new and improved methods of accomplish­ing things. However, to look deeper, using of AI has an advantage and disadvanta­ge to both teaching and learning. Since younger generation are already familiar with technology before they start school, it’s crucial to provide them the skills they need to succeed in a digital job so that they would not over used the easier access but rather than indulge it as a tool for expanding their learnings. (Contribute­d article)

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