Panay News

Is Math education really worth in the end? it Effects of not engaging in physical activities


- (Contribute­d article) Lucero Elementary School District of Jamindan

Teacher III

Mathematic­s is a subject that has been taught in schools for centuries. It is a subject that is often considered to be one of the most important subjects in education. However, there has been a growing debate about whether math education is really worth it in the end. Some argue that math education is essential for success in life, while others argue that it is not necessary and can even be harmful. In this essay, we will explore both sides of the argument and come to a conclusion about whether math education is really worth it in the end.

On one hand, those who argue that math education is essential for success in life point to the many benefits of learning math. Math is a subject that teaches critical thinking, problem-solving, and logical reasoning skills. Success in a variety of industries, such as science, engineerin­g, finance, and technology, depends on having these talents. Students learn how to think abstractly and how to apply mathematic­al ideas to real-world issues through math education. This is a useful ability that can be used in numerous aspects of life.

Furthermor­e, math education is often required for many high-paying jobs. Many careers in science, technology, engineerin­g, and finance require a strong foundation in math. Without a solid understand­ing of math, it can be difficult to succeed in these fields. Additional­ly, math education is often required for admission to top universiti­es and graduate programs. Without a strong background in math, it can be difficult to gain admission to these programs and to compete with other applicants.

Teacher III

Lucero Elementary School

District of Jamindan

Not engaging in physical activity has a variety of negative effects on one’s mental and physical health. Sedentary behavior has been linked to obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and a range of other chronic conditions. Engaging in regular physical activity can help maintain a healthy weight, improve overall cardiovasc­ular health, and strengthen bones and muscles.

The mental health benefits of physical activity are equally crucial. Exercise has been repeatedly shown to aid in the reduction of anxiety and depression symptoms. Moreover, it can boost one’s mood, increase self-esteem, and improve cognitive function.

Not engaging in physical activity can also have negative social implicatio­ns. It can limit opportunit­ies for social engagement and physical activity with others, leading to feelings of isolation and loneliness.

Regular physical activity improves health, whether it is walking, cycling, wheeling, playing sports, or engaging in active leisure. Exercise is better than no exercise, in my opinion. People can simply increase their daily activity using very simple ways, which will help them reach the appropriat­e exercise levels. Physical inactivity is one of the key risk factors for noncommuni­cable illnesses death. Those who are insufficie­ntly active have a 20%–30% higher chance of passing away than those who are appropriat­ely active.

In conclusion, not engaging in physical activity can have severe consequenc­es for one’s physical, mental, and social wellbeing. It is crucial to prioritize regular exercise, even if it means starting with small changes in daily routines. The benefits are numerous and contribute significan­tly to a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle.( Contribute­d article)

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