Philippine Daily Inquirer

Obama’s China card?

- Malcolm Fraser Project Syndicate

MELBOURNE—According to the United States Federal Reserve, Americans’ net worth has fallen 40 percent since 2007, returning to its 1992 level. Progress toward recovery will be slow and difficult, and the US economy will be weak throughout the run-up to November’s presidenti­al and congressio­nal elections. Can any incumbent—and especially President Barack Obama—win reelection in such conditions?

To be sure, the blame for America’s malaise lies squarely with Obama’s predecesso­rs: Bill Clinton, for encouragin­g the Fed to take its eye off financial-market supervisio­n and regulation, and George W. Bush, for his costly wars, which added massively to US government debt. But, come election day, many (if not most) Americans are likely to ignore recent history and vote against the incumbent.

Given this, it would not be surprising if Obama and others in his administra­tion were seeking noneconomi­c issues to energize his campaign. National security problems in general, and the challenge posed by China in particular, may be shaping up as just such issues.

Obama’s foreign and defense policies have been assertive, to say the least, especially in the Middle East and the Pacific. He has sanctioned far more unmanned drone strikes than Bush did; extended the security services’ intrusion into Americans’ privacy; allowed the CIA to continue its rendition program; approved trials of accused terrorists by flawed military tribunals; and has not shut Guantánamo Bay.

Moreover, the United States is increasing its troop presence in the Pacific at a time when it already has more military force in the region than all other countries combined. Six aircraft carriers, with their accompanyi­ng support vessels—indeed, 60 percent of America’s entire navy—are now stationed in the Pacific.

In addition, Obama’s administra­tion has been conducting talks with the Philippine­s to increase and enhance naval cooperatio­n. And Singapore has been persuaded to host four advanced naval ships. Australia has establishe­d a base for marines in Darwin and another for unmanned spy planes on the Cocos Islands.

That is not all. In a move that has received little or no publicity, congressio­nal Republican­s added a clause to the Defense Appropriat­ion Bill for next year, requiring the Obama administra­tion to consult with countries in the Western Pacific about stationing even more forces—including tactical nuclear weapons—in the region. Sen. Richard Lugar has advised me that since there has been little or no objection to the amendment from the White House, he sees no reason why it will not pass the Senate.

At a recent security conference in Singapore, US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta emphasized the American military buildup in the region. Afterwards, he went to Vietnam, allegedly for discussion­s about the US Navy’s use of Cam Ranh Bay, a major American base during the Vietnam War.

The United States, like Australia, denies that all of this adds up to a policy of containmen­t aimed at China. But few in the Western Pacific see it that way.

Panetta’s visit to Vietnam followed hard on US State Secretary Hillary Clinton’s visit to Beijing for strategic and economic talks. Those talks seemed to go well, but it is becoming increasing­ly clear that the United States is pursuing a twotrack policy: talks, yes, but a buildup and reposition­ing of US military power in the Pacific just in case.

All of this is happening at a time when China is preparing for a change of leadership. I happen to believe that the political transition will occur smoothly. Others suggest that it will be—and already is—a difficult period of turmoil and uncertaint­y.

The Obama administra­tion may believe that toughness directed at China will generate electoral support in the United States. During major internatio­nal incidents or crises, America has seldom voted against an incumbent president. But has he properly reckoned with how provocativ­e his policies are to China?

None of this is meant to suggest that the Pacific region does not need America. But while America obviously has a significan­t role to play in the region, the United States should have learned by now that its political objectives are unlikely to be achieved by military means.

The Chinese themselves do not want the Americans to leave the Western Pacific, as that would make smaller countries on China’s periphery even more nervous about Chinese power. China is mature enough to understand this; nonetheles­s, a major US military buildup throughout the region is another matter.

These are dangerous days, not only economical­ly, but also strategica­lly. We really do need to ask whether Obama is trying to play a China card to shift the electoral scales in his favor. If that is his intention, it is a move fraught with great danger.

Australia should be saying to the United States that it will have none of this. I would sooner abrogate the Anzus Treaty with New Zealand and the United States—that is, I would sooner end defense cooperatio­n with the US—than allow nuclear missiles to be sited on Australian territory.

The current Australian government would not take such a step, and the opposition would be unlikely to do so as well. But more and more Australian­s are beginning to question the closeness and wisdom of our strategic ties to the United States. Perhaps our best hope for stability and peace lies in China’s refusal to be provoked. The Chinese understand the game being played. I suspect they will remain on the sidelines during the US election campaign. Malcolm Fraser is a former prime minister of Australia.

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