Philippine Daily Inquirer

Skydiver bids to break sound barrier in jump


CAPE CANAVERAL—His blood could boil. His lungs could overinflat­e. The vessels in his brain could burst. His eyes could hemorrhage.

And, yes, he could break his neck while jumping from a mindboggli­ng altitude of 37 kilometers.

But the risk of a gruesome death has never stopped “Fearless Felix” Baumgartne­r in all his years of skydiving and skyscraper leaping, and it’s not about to now.

Next Monday over New Mexico, he will attempt the highest, fastest free fall in history and try to become the first skydiver to break the sound barrier.

“So many unknowns,” Baumgartne­r says, “but we have solutions to survive.”

The 43-year-old former military parachutis­t from Austria is hoping to reach 1,110 kph, or Mach 1, after leaping from his balloon-hoisted capsule over the desert near Roswell.

He will have only a pressurize­d suit and helmet for protection as he tries to go supersonic 65 years after Chuck Yeager, flying an experiment­al rocket plane, became the first human to go faster than the speed of sound.

Doctors, engineers and others on Baumgartne­r’s Red Bull-spon- sored team have spent as much as five years studying the risks and believe they have done everything possible to bring him back alive. He has tested out his suit and capsule in two dress rehearsals, jumping from 24 kilometers in March and 29 kmin July.

Baumgartne­r will be more than three times higher than the cruising altitude of jetliners when he hops, bunny-style, out of the capsule and into a nearvacuum where there is barely any oxygen and less than 1 percent of the air pressure on Earth.

If all goes well, he will reach the speed of sound in about half a minute at an altitude of around 30,480 meters. Then he will start to slow as the atmosphere gets denser, and after five minutes of free fall, he will pull his main parachute. The entire descent should last 15 to 20 minutes.

He will be rigged with cameras that will provide a live broadcast of the jump via the Internet, meaning countless viewers could end up witnessing a horrific accident.

Baumgartne­r is insistent on going live with his flight.

“We want to share that with the world,” he says. “It’s like landing on the moon. Why was that live?”

 ??  ?? FELIX Baumgartne­r is seen during the first manned test flight for Red Bull Stratos in Roswell, NewMexico, on Feb. 23.
FELIX Baumgartne­r is seen during the first manned test flight for Red Bull Stratos in Roswell, NewMexico, on Feb. 23.

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