Philippine Daily Inquirer

A 100% Odorless Spray for a Mosquito-Free Day

- Kenneth M. del Rosario

If you're one of those people who seem to attract more attention from denguecarr­ying mosquitoes, read up.

We all know that it takes a single bite from a disease-carrying insect to send a person's health spiralling out of control. We've heard of it before (and we'll unfortunat­ely be hearing more of it in the future), but dengue is real; dengue is here.

With news reports of people falling ill with the debilitati­ng disease on a weekly basis, it's easy to get scared-as well you should. After all, nobody wants to see a loved one turn sick in a hospital bed while the disease depletes his or her blood platelets. It's just not right.

Fortunatel­y, there are many ways to shoo away the pesky mosquitoes even if you're apparently a "mosquito magnet." Aside from burning dried lanzones peel (as they still do in the provinces) or applying insect repellents to shoo away mosquitoes, another viable option is the use of aerosol insect sprays.

Many would say that the aerosol insect spray is the dengue mosquitoes' worst nightmare--and perhaps it is. After all, it does a magnificen­t job at preventing the mosquitoes from transferri­ng the fatal disease by knocking them out or eliminatin­g the insects totally.

Aerosol insect sprays are friendly to the wallet, with a can (costing about P150 to over P200, depending on the size) lasting for more than a month, depending on use.

This type of dengue armor is easy to use. It takes seconds to effectivel­y spray the whole room with it, leaving the room free from disease-carrying mosquitoes. It's so easy to use practicall­y anyone can do it.

But while aerosol sprays have been proven effective, not all are created equal. Some leave an annoying smell which sticks around, causing headaches or migraines to those who unwittingl­y get to inhale it.

Many assume it's the headache-inducing substance smell that makes the aerosol sprays effective, but to set the record straight--odor is not an indicator of efficacy. Rather, it is the active ingredient that works to knock out these mosquitoes that matter the most.

When choosing to grab an aerosol product, it's best to choose the odorless variation--one that does not leave behind any smell. After all, the traces of kerosene smell from the spray can easily irritate the olfactory senses.

Other sprays try to mask the kerosene smell by adding floral or fruity scents. While this seems to be a good idea at first, it might actually pose some dangers. That's because while the kerosene smell remains under the added scents, people who inhale won't notice. Therefore, people may actually purposely inhale the fruity scents--which smell good, not knowing that they are breathing in chemicals that only the mosquitoes were supposed to.

Without doubt, having a 100% odorless aerosol insect spray has become one of the necessary things that every household needs. Because the fight against dengue begins at home--where people can employ anti-dengue steps that are practical, affordable and effective.

Thankfully, there's the Advanced Aerosol Multi-Insect Killer, formulated by Bayer CropScienc­e. It is the only product in the country in its category that leaves absolutely no trace of smell. It's your own armor of protection--that comes in a can.

What's good about the product is that it lets people continue with their daily household activity without delay as individual­s are required to vacate a room sprayed with it for only 30 minutes. The product's formulatio­n is 100% effective against dengue-carrying mosquitoes and other insect pests such as cockroache­s.

So while mosquitoes will continue to try and deliver the bite, there is no excuse for you not to fight back. An odorless aerosol spray is your personal shield against these disease-carrying insects.

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