Philippine Daily Inquirer

Fresh resolve

- Nonong Noriega

IDEALLY WE WANT TO START the year with a clean slate or fresh resolve to exceed last year's performanc­e. Such isn't always the case. Let's admit it. 2013 has kicked off with a lot of unfinished business from 2102. The remnants of last year's flagship initiative­s have to be dealt with. We have to be quick to pick up from where we left. Most planning workshops will still highlight the imperative to expedite operations from last year's banner programs.

Yes, the year has started with most of us finding ourselves already in middle of the game. The aftermath of last year's eleventh hour developmen­ts gets more pronounced and we find ourselves mapping our strategies not necessaril­y for building new technical and manpower infrastruc­tures, but for firming up support systems that will intensify momentum and a sense of continuity.

Year after year, we experience the bliss of successful endeavours and the stings of failed attempts. And our 'bounce-back' power always gets tested anew. In this light, allow us to share five suggestion­s that could very well set the climate for making the most out of this unfolding episode in our work life:

1. Derive fulfilment from the intangible benefits. Medical packages and bonuses are great and practical but seize in the daily grind the moments to actualize potential. All interfaces pose chances for enrichment. We are students of the processes and results. While being in an enterprise necessitat­es the drive for business growth, the journey is helping us build skill and character. Grow the business, grow yourself!

2. Embrace accountabi­lities. Find yourself replacing the words, "I have to" with "I want to." I have to attend this meeting vs. I want to attend this meeting. I have to finish this report vs. I want to finish this report. How can that be said sincerely? By seeing your work as a gift from God. A chance to connect to the Vine. An opportunit­y to release and fetch goodwill. The expression "Thank God it's Friday" is typical and expected. Now try saying, "Thank God it's Monday!"

3. Have fun. Do your share to make yours a happy work environmen­t. When there is divisivene­ss, be the means to kill it. Don't be a channel that fuels bitterness. While it's impossible to totally control small talk and venting, yours can be the voice that pacifies and enlightens. There are direct correlatio­ns between happy teams and productivi­ty. Wholesome fun can be a unifying catalyst.

4. Be self-propelled. Rather than whine about the imperfecti­ons that surround us, be the one to make the difference. Talk solutions. Don't wait until the one who is in charge takes action. Care enough to bring up valid concerns in your most no-nonsense and tactful manner. Trust that it will be taken in good faith. Yes, it is a risk to trust. But the bigger risk is not to trust at all.

5. Stop comparing your share with someone else's. Envy is a joy stealer. Feeling bypassed or overlooked? Just focus on getting better. Even if you feel you didn't get your due recognitio­n, remember—no work is insignific­ant if in doing it honestly and wholeheart­edly, you make life easier for at least another person. This should be the ultimate motivating rationale. Lest we forget, we work for God. Genuine service is good for the soul. It enriches not just the receiver, but the giver. Jesus picked up a towel to wash His disciples feet. It all boils down to service.

So raise your coffee mugs, and with that goes every good wish for all our lofty aspiration­s this 2013!

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