Philippine Daily Inquirer

TGP stresses need for increased awareness against dengue


AS THE rainy season starts, more pharmaceut­ical companies are now strengthen­ing their efforts to raise awareness against the deadly dengue epidemic to prevent another outbreak from occurring in the country. The dengue fever is an acute viral disease caused by a bite from an “aedes aeygpti” female mosquito.

According to the Dengue Clinical Management Guidelines issued by the Department of Health (DOH), the dengue attack usually has three phases: the Febrile Phase, the Critical Phase and the Recovery Phase.

The Febrile Phase usually lasts for two to seven days with warning signs like fever, headache, body malaise, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. A blood test to determine the full blood count should also be administer­ed to verify whether there is indeed a high probabilit­y of dengue.

The Critical Phase of the dengue attack usually happens on day three to seven when the body temperatur­e drops to 37.5 to 38. Expect abdominal pain, persistent vomiting, clinical signs of fluid accumulati­on and mucosal bleeding to occur.

There are also instances wherein the condition of the person further deteriorat­es to severe dengue with plasma leakage leading to shock, severe bleeding and organ impairment during the Critical Phase. This period may last for 24 to 48 hours. Finally, once the Recovery Phase sets in, the patient’s overall well-being will improve in the next 48 to 72 hours.

Since there has yet to be a vaccine developed to combat the deadly dengue epidemic, the DOH is encouragin­g the public to be well-informed on the proper actions to take once dengue strikes.

In the first few days of the attack, it is im- portant for the patient to be on bed rest and have adequate fluid intake. This must be complement­ed by a balanced diet and the regular intake of paracetamo­l. If the patient starts to experience bleeding, red spots or patches on the skin, frequent vomiting or difficulty in breathing, be ready to rush him to the nearest hospital.

The Generics Pharmacy (TGP), the country’s largest drugstore chain, offers a wide selection of food supplement­s like vitamin C, calcium and zinc and oral rehydratio­n salts, which can help during dengue medication.

With over 1,500 branches nationwide, TGP commits itself to providing the highest quality of health care possible to help prevent the spread of the dengue fever in the Philippine­s by providing safe, effective and affordable generic medicines to all Filipinos.

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