Philippine Daily Inquirer

Laments on the Filipino Diaspora

Where have all our loved ones gone?

- By Ricardo B. Ramos Contributo­r

MY OLDER sister, a retired doctor, recently passed away unexpected­ly in Cardiff, Wales, in the United Kingdom where she had resided for the past 25 years. She was 67 years old. Her sudden demise happened two weeks after our youngest sister, a registered nurse, was run over by a car whose driver was texting in Sydney, Australia. The saying must really be true that “when it rains, it pours.” Our family was devastated by the tragedy.

Fortunatel­y, our “baby” sister survived the auto accident, although she was badly injured. It will take months before her spine heals. In the meantime, she cannot work and will therefore not receive any compensati­on from her employer. My older brother, who petitioned my sister’s migration “Down Under” more than two decades ago, took two weeks off from work to take care of her. She is a widow.

The tragedy that struck our family in a span of two weeks reminded me of what happened 40 years ago in the early 1970s. Our eldest sister, who was working in Manhattan and at the same time taking her master’s degree in Columbia University, nearly died when she was run over by a car in New York City. While she received some compensati­on from the insurance of the driver who nearly killed her, she was never the same again. Now at almost 70 years old, her limp has become worse over time, and she can be classified as “physically handicappe­d.”

Tragedy and reflection

All of the above made me look at the situation from a larger national perspectiv­e: the Filipino Diaspora. Over the past four decades since the seventies, millions of Filipinos have left the homeland in search of better opportunit­ies abroad. There are now an estimated 10 million Filipinos who are either immigrants to their adopted countries or overseas Filipino workers (OFWs). In the ’70s and ’80s, they used to be called “OCWs” for “overseas contract workers.” It now seems that the only improvemen­t in our country in the past 40 years is the change from the not-so-nicesoundi­ng OCWs to the bettersoun­ding OFWs.

10% have gone

The more than 10 million Filipinos overseas represent an estimated 10 percent of our total population of 100 million people. India is No. 1 in the absolute number of émigrés around the globe with more than 20 million. But this represents only around 2 percent of its total es- timated population of 1.25 billion people. The huge percentage of Filipinos abroad shows how badly our country has been mismanaged by the government since the mid-1960s.

The story of the deployment of Filipinos overseas began in the mid-1970s after the price of oil soared and gave instant wealth to Middle Eastern countries. Hence, Filipino engineers and skilled workers started working in Saudi Arabia and other oil-rich countries. At the height of the constructi­on boom in the 1980s, there were more than one million Filipinos working in the Middle East that already included Filipino nurses and doctors. My late sister, who was a doctor, worked in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the 1980s.

Overseas labor eventually became a permanent policy of the Marcos regime and succeeding administra­tions. To institutio­nalize the policy of deployment of Filipino workers abroad, the Philippine government establishe­d the Philippine Overseas Employment Agency (Poea) in 1982 (Executive Order No. 797) under the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE). It was later reorganize­d in 1987 (EO 247) under President Corazon C. Aquino.

Due to the increased deployment of Filipinos overseas and the abuses committed against them in their host countries, the Migrant Workers and Overseas Filipinos Act of 1995 was passed into law to institute state policies for overseas employment and establish standards to protect and promote Filipinos working abroad. The law has been amended several times since then.

The Philippine­s is probably the only country in the world that has institutio­nalized the deployment of its people to work overseas, from profession­als and skilled workers to domestic help. Other countries do not have an equivalent of our Poea. The closest is the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs of India whose main mission is to connect Indians abroad to their homeland. Their emigration abroad for employment is only one aspect of their emigration services, together with their diaspora services and financial ser- vices to attract Indians overseas to invest back in their homeland.

However, the social cost of family separation—parents from their children—is all too real and lamentable.

The greatest tragedy that struck an OFW was when a father working in the United States returned home to find his entire family—wife and children— killed in a gruesome murder that happened in the 1990s in BF Homes in Parañaque. The father, Lauro Vizconde, was working in America as a cook in a restaurant to support his family in a middleclas­s housing subdivisio­n. Only to return to his house where his family members were slaughtere­d.

Who’s to blame?

The national economic situation has deteriorat­ed within a span of three generation­s. Almost all the Filipinos who were born in the first decades of the 20th century (1900s-1920s) did not have to migrate to find work. (Those who did were mostly the Ilocanos in northern Luzon who worked in the plantation fields in Hawaii and California.) In the generation of our parents, there were no relatives who migrated except for an uncle, a cousin of my father, who went to Australia. However, he was a doctor and rather welloff living in Greenhills Village.

The situation changed with our generation, born in the 1940s to 1960s. Based on my siblings and first cousins, 50 percent of my relatives migrated to Europe, North America and Australia. The same is true with second cousins and friends. Half of them have gone and we have reconnecte­d via Facebook. Then with the third generation of my nieces and nephews, the situation further worsened. Now, 75 percent or three out of four younger relatives are working abroad, mostly as immigrants, while a few are OFWs. Even among our neighbors in the village, there are children working overseas at times with one or both of their parents, and their houses for sale.

There is something terribly wrong when more than 10 percent of a country’s population is toiling abroad as immigrants and OFWs.

Today, there is already a second generation of OFWs who were sent to school by parents who worked overseas in the mid-’70s and ’80s. There are also some five million Filipinos who have migrated abroad over the past 40 years (1970-2010). Many Filipino immigrants started as OFWs and later migrated to their adopted countries after being OFWs for the past decades.

The more than 10-millionstr­ong Filipino Diaspora is the real backbone of the Philippine economy. In 2012, our total exports of $50.96 billion and revenues from the measly 4.272 million tourists (half of whom are Filipinos) amounted to only $2.7 billion. Without the foreign remittance­s of more than $20 billion annually, which comprises 5 percent of our gross domestic product of $430 billion, there would not be much of a Philippine economy to speak of. The reason we have a current account surplus of more than $12 billion is the remittance­s from Filipinos working overseas as OFWs and immigrants. Indeed, our greatest export is our own people.

One solution

The reason we already have two generation­s of OFWs is poor governance. Our country has been left behind in getting the needed direct foreign investment­s (FDIs) that would provide jobs and business opportunit­ies to millions of Filipinos.

Unless and until FDIs—not “hot money”—come in to help build the plants, factories, infrastruc­ture, and hotels and resorts to provide jobs for millions of Filipinos, as they have in Thailand and Malaysia and now in Indonesia and Vietnam, then we can only expect more andmore Filipinos to leave the Philippine­s in search of a better future for themselves and their families.


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