Philippine Daily Inquirer

Hopes rise as Iran nuke talks begin


GENEVA—World powers opened nuclear talks with Iran on Tuesday with Tehran set to unveil a roadmap for negotiatio­ns under new President Hassan Rouhani that it says could produce a deal in a year.

The two-day meeting in Geneva ends a six-month hiatus over the Islamic republic’s refusal to curb uranium enrichment in exchange for easing punishing internatio­nal sanctions.

Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif was to present Iran’s stance to the so-called P5+1 group of the United States, Britain, France, China and Russia plus Germany.

The proposal, titled “Closing an Unnecessar­y Crisis, and Opening a New Horizon,” contains three steps that could settle the longrunnin­g nuclear standoff “within a year,” Zarif said onMonday.

Zarif, who has said he hoped the Geneva talks would least sketch out a “roadmap” for further higher-level talks, did not go into details. But he said the initial step could be achieved “within a month, or two, or even less.”

Negotiator­s have downplayed the chances of a major breakthrou­gh, despite hopes raised since conservati­ve Mahmoud Ahmadineja­d wrapped up two fouryear terms as Iran’s president.

Rouhani, who took office in August, has promised transparen­cy on the nuclear program and engagement to eventually lift the trade embargo that is strangling Iran’s economy by hitting oil exports and access to global banking.

Israeli warning

But Iran’s archfoe Israel has repeatedly warned the world not to fall for “sweet talk” from Rouhani, and Western negotiator­s have insisted they are not naive.

European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, who is chairing the talks, said she had “cautious optimism but a real sense of determinat­ion.”

Officials said the talks, which were taking place at the UN’s European base in Geneva, were to be conducted in English for the first time.

A senior US administra­tion official said detail was the key, and noted thatWashin­gton’s team included sanctions specialist­s.

“We are quite ready to move. But it depends what they put on the table,” the official told reporters in Geneva. “We are hopeful, but that has to be tested with concrete, verifiable actions.” the official said.

“In the past, Iran has taken the negotiated time and just kept moving forward with its nuclear program. We cannot allow that to be the case,” the official added.

Zarif admitted to difficulti­es in the negotiatio­ns, on hold since a round in April in Kazakhstan where Iran refused to curb some sensitive enrichment activities in exchange for a moderate relief of sanctions.

“The nuclear issue cannot be resolved in one session, as mistrust has been accumulate­d over years,” he said. “I am not pessimisti­c about the talks, but we need to see the good intentions and political will of the other side in action.”

Western powers and Israel suspect Iran is trying to develop the atomic bomb, a claim vehemently denied by Tehran which insists its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes.

Uranium stockpile

Iran currently has 6,774 kilograms of low-enriched uranium, and a lesser quantity of medium-enriched uranium.

The latter is of greatest concern for theWest and Israel, which fear Tehran could divert some for further enrichment towards a level required for nuclear weapons.

Iran has already drawn its red lines for the talks, saying itwill not accept any demand to suspend uranium enrichment or ship out stockpiles of purified material.

A first meeting between Zarif and his counterpar­ts from the six powers took place last month on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, accompanie­d by a landmark two-way meeting with US Secretary of State John Kerry.

‘Cracking open’

After meeting Ashton in London on Sunday, Kerry said the window for diplomacy with Iran was “cracking open.”

Shortly before the talks began, Israel—widely believed to be the

 ?? AP ?? AT THE center of the talks in Geneva is this reactor of the Bushehr nuclear power plant which theWest suspects Iran is using to develop an atomic bomb.
AP AT THE center of the talks in Geneva is this reactor of the Bushehr nuclear power plant which theWest suspects Iran is using to develop an atomic bomb.

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