Philippine Daily Inquirer

Others to do right


New York Times alone). So a good deed would be to stop making paper out of trees. I noticed that I managed to promote, as well as answer that question ( laughs).

Josh Hutcherson

Giving back is really about perspectiv­e. When you step back and look at your own life and then you look at somebody else who’s in a less fortunate situation, it’s crazy to not want to lend a hand in some way. Giving back can mean anything; it depends on the person.

I don’t think material things are what I want to focus on when giving back. It’s more about a new way of thinking, trying to give somebody confidence or a voice to be themselves. If you can find away to be comfortabl­e and confident with yourself, then you can be happy any time. The way I have chosen to go about that is to work with an organizati­on that my friend and I started, Straight But Not Narrow. It’s a gay/lesbian/bisexual/transsexua­l/straight allied organizati­on.

We are a group of straight people who try and bridge the gap between the gay and straight communitie­s. We set up gay/straight alliances in high schools and open dialogue between kids on Twitter and Facebook, get the conversati­on going about being open about who you are and being comfortabl­e with being yourself.

Jennifer Lawrence

I’m giving back to my family and my brothers, in particular. I remember when I first signed on to “The Hunger Games.” I gave back to my parents for giving up their entire lives so that I could do this (acting) but my brothers were also a huge part of that. They were actually the ones who convinced my parents to let that happen.

My brothers lost parents for a couple of years (to be with me) until I was 17, 18 and out on my own. And my parents moved back to our home. My brothers gave up their mom and dad for a little bit to help me. Lately, I’ve been focusing on giving back to my brothers in certainway­s. And also to my friends, who put up with me.

Colin Farrell

A good deed could be a certain amount of inactivity, like not actively trying to make other people’s lives a nightmare—trying not to cause people pain, not to judge harshly, not to say cruel things.

My mother was a homemaker. My dad worked very hard to make sure that we had what we needed. He’s retired. The many hours that he used to work when I was growing up are a thing of the past. But it’s certainly lovely to be in a position where, if any of my family needs a little assistance, I can for sure be able to help out. That’s one of the greatest things about this fame nonsense, celebrity and all, which comes as a result of being in films.

Simon Baker

It’s not something that I dwell on. I don’t think about it like, wow, that was a good thing I just did. I work with a few different charities. Most of the time, the reality of that is, generally, the problem that most charities have is funding. So most of the time, it’s writing a check or something like that.

Mending Kids Internatio­nal is a charity that my wife connected us to. There are charities that are personal to you and then there are charities that you can help. But most of the time, the things that are more personal to me, as a parent or as a husband, and less to me as a celebrity, like Mending Kids Internatio­nal—it’s not something that I like to talk about in amassive way.

Mending Kids Internatio­nal is a charity that takes kids who are in developing countries and need major medical procedures and surgeries. They are brought over to the United States and they stay with families. They have these operations and then they recover under the care of host families. We have friends who hosted four or five kids for sometimes up to sixmonths at a time. My wife and I have discussed what an impact it has had, not only on the kids who had surgeries but also on the host families. We have been involved with that and the impact on our families has been great.

Christian Bale

Doing something good is when it’s desperatel­y inconvenie­nt to you— that’s when it’s good. If it’s convenient to you, it’s not really that good.

I can’t help mentioning it. I landed at 4 o’clock this morning and I saw the news about this Batkid, this little Miles Cross [who is in remission from leukemia and was granted his wish to be a superhero for a day] in San Francisco and the Make-AWish Foundation...what an incredible thing that people got together with that...what a wonderful thing to create that for this little boy. (E-mail the columnist at rvnepales_ Follow him at http://­en.)

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