Philippine Daily Inquirer

Uproar as Danish zoo puts down young giraffe


COPENHAGEN—A Danish zoo sparked outrage on Sundaywhen it put down a young giraffe then chopped it up and fed it to lions as visitors, including young children, looked on.

The fate of 18month-old Marius shocked animal lovers around the world, with thousands signing an online petition to save him, and a billionair­e offering to buy him and keep him in her Beverly Hills garden.

Copenhagen Zoo said the action was necessary to prevent inbreeding, and Marius was put down with a bolt gun after being anesthetiz­ed.

A crowd of visitors, including small children, looked on as an autopsy was carried out, and the animal skinned and chopped up. Some grimaced while others took photos.

A full-maned lion later tucked into the giraffe’s remains in full view of the public.

“It was put down at 9:20. It went as planned. It’s always the people’s right to protest. But of course we have been surprised,” zoo spokespers­on Tobias Stenbaek Bro told AFP.

He said some zoo staff had received death threats including scientific director Bengt Holst who “received a call in the middle of the night.”

The zoo said it had no choice other than to prevent the animal attaining adulthood in a long explanatio­n of its decision published on its website. his genes were already well-represente­d in Europe, and he could not be taken in by the 300 other Eaza-affiliated zoos as that would cause inbreeding.

“When breeding success increases, it is sometimes necessary to euthanize. We see this as a positive sign and as insurance that we in the future will have a healthy giraffe population in European zoos,” it said.

Castration is considered cruel with “undesirabl­e effects,” while there were no programs to release giraffes into the wild, which would be unlikely to succeed anyhow.

The giraffe’s impending death sparked outrage online, with more than 5,000 people signing a “Save Marius” Facebook petition.

More than 3,000 people signed a similar Danish-language online petition and nearly 24,000 an English-language version.

Inbreeding avoided

Under European Associatio­n of Zoos and Aquaria (Eaza) rules, inbreeding between giraffes is to be avoided, it said on its website.

Although Marius was healthy,

‘Beverly Hills offer’

There were several attempts made to save Marius.

A Swedish zoo, which is not part of the Eaza network, tried in vain to get Marius transferre­d, the Expressen daily reported.

Another newspaper, Denmark’s Ekstrablad­et, quoted a Danish promoter living in Los Angeles, Claus Hjelmbak, as saying he had found a buyer for the animal.

“One of my close friends, a billionair­e, said that she wanted to transfer a few million so we could save the giraffe,” Hjelmbak was quoted as saying.

“He could easily have lived in her garden in Beverly Hills, but the zoo director was not interested in a sale. I’m angry,” the promoter added.

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