Philippine Daily Inquirer

AFP protests too much


IT’S LIKE shooting the messenger if you don’t like his message, and then saying it just had to do with how he said it. The Armed Forces’ disbarment charge against public interest lawyer Harry Roque unfortunat­ely pits the defenders of the republic against a defender of human rights. The AFP sends all the wrong messages to the Filipino public and to the larger community of human rights advocates here and abroad, and actually invites a closer look at its own dismal historical record at vindicatin­g human dignity and enforcing discipline in its own ranks.

Roque, who teaches law at the University of the Philippine­s, is counsel for the family of transgende­r woman Jennifer Laude, who was killed in Olongapo allegedly by US Marine Joseph Scott Pemberton. Roque has insisted from the beginning that Pemberton be surrendere­d to the Philippine­s, but it wasn’t until 11 days after Laude’s killing that the suspect, who until then was secured in US custody, was finally brought to the AFP headquarte­rs. Laude’s sister Marilou and German fiancé Marc Sueselbeck clambered over a fence in order to get a glimpse of him.

Reports do not specify which conduct of Roque was deemed “inappropri­ate,” but the AFP generally refers to that incident as a “breach of camp security.” Indeed, there may have been a breach. But when the AFP cites language from the lawyers’ Code of Profession­al Responsibi­lity that the lawyer “must bring honor to the legal profession by faithfully performing his duties to society,” it must realize that that precisely is what human rights lawyers do, and typically pro bono.

Military discipline is understand­ably more exacting than Laude’s grieving sister and fiancé may have expected, and at least the latter has apologized for the breach. But the AFP’s actions seem to gloss over the graver breach when a sovereign state like the Philippine­s has to beg for custody over a suspected murderer being investigat­ed for a crime committed on Philippine soil against a Philippine national. Indeed, even now, Pemberton is only physically in Philippine custody; he remains under guard by US sentries and officially under US authority. This is understand­able, given the unspeakabl­e risks and uncertaint­ies in Philippine jails, and the Visiting Forces Agreement provides the legal justificat­ion. But those VFA clauses on custody remain contested, and indeed the Supreme Court itself has nullified the Romulo-Kenney agreement that allowed US Marine Daniel Smith to remain under US custody after being convicted of the rape of “Nicole.”

The AFP doth protest too much. For it to make a big fuss over the Oct. 22 incident but remain silent and supine over the compromise­d sovereignt­y created by the VFA shows that its true audience isn’t the Filipino people but the US representa­tives in the Philippine­s. If we were the AFP’s true audience, it will be aware that bad memories persist from the days of the US military bases, when accused US servicemen would escape from Subic and Clark before Filipino prosecutor­s could investigat­e or charge them. The VFA prevents that, but the continued US custody of Pemberton reminds us of our mendicant position.

The only explanatio­n for the AFP’s strong reaction to the breach is that it doesn’t inspire the confidence of US military authoritie­s in the capacity of Filipino troops to secure a prisoner like Pemberton. That is certainly a legitimate concern, and one that in fact might jeopardize future negotiatio­ns when we ask the US military to surrender to us fugitives from Philippine justice. But for the AFP to go out of its way to satisfy its US counterpar­ts and forsake its credibilit­y with its sovereign master puts in question its true priorities and commitment­s.

The AFP’s credibilit­y suffers in the eyes of not just Filipinos but also the larger community of public interest lawyers. Worldwide, the growth of activist litigation in the courts has likewise brought about more acts of intimidati­on against human rights defenders. Global monitors have reported attacks and arrests in China and other parts of Asia.

The Integrated Bar of the Philippine­s, the authority that hears disbarment cases, is being watched by the global bar of public interest lawyers. What is now being tested is how it applies its own rules, including the rule that disbarment cases shall be “confidenti­al in character,” and whether it counts public interest lawyering as part of the lawyer’s duty to “bring honor to the legal profession by faithfully performing his duties to society.”

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